
3 Tips to Wrapping Your Customers’ Christmas Gifts on a Budget

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

3 Tips to Wrapping Your Customers’ Christmas Gifts on a Budget

In this article we show you how to beautifully wrap your customers’ holiday orders and gift boxes without having to dip too far into your profits. From how and when to order, to a few budget-conscious gift wrapping ideas, we’ve got you covered.


christmas_wrapping_supplies.jpgWe know that buying christmas wrapping paper, ribbons, bags, and boxes can seem like a chore — but it doesn’t have to be. One of our biggest tips? Start early. That way, you’ll be able to comparison shop for both styles and prices, and take advantage of the pre-holiday sales. One thing to avoid is waiting until December, when big orders can delay shipping times or stock can be lower than usual. You don’t want the leftovers; you want your first choice. And, always buy more than you think you need — any extras can be used the next holiday season.

Keep in mind it’s often cheaper to buy in bulk to avoid running out of packaging supplies. Make an investment in wrapping supplies at the start of the season and order online so you won’t have to pay shipping on additional orders — or worse, overpay at an expensive store because you’re desperate.

If you’re an eco-minded business, look for gift wrap, bags, and boxes made from recycled materials. Not only will this show customers you’re environmentally-friendly, but also, these items are often priced lower than more traditional holiday gift bags. A plain kraft bag generally costs significantly less than a printed decorative holiday shopping bag, and it can be spruced up with a cute accent for an easy, inexpensive, impressive look.

Remember: Buy in bulk, buy early.


As you put together your order, think about things you have on hand or can easily find to add details to your packaging. Take a
look at some of these cheap and eye-catching ideas:

  • If you’re a clothing shop, chances are you have plenty of extra buttons or fabric swatches laying around. You can use these to decorate your packages.
  • A gardening shop (this would work well for any type of shop) could use excess flowers or sprigs of plants to decorate gift boxes — Christmas tree lots will often give you trimmings for free. Sprigs of evergreen will dry nicely, smell great, and dress up your gift wrapping.
  • Scour local garage sales for doll house accessories you can tie to your packages for a unique and memorable look.
  • You can also gift your customers with small freebies, like individual pieces of chocolate or a tiny necklace charm, to show how much you appreciate their business.

christmas_gift_wrapping.jpgPeople shop small and local for a reason. They expect personal attention and count on you to focus on the details. It really doesn’t take much to live up to their expectations.

Remember: Sometimes the smallest details can make the biggest difference.


Though this may seem counter-intuitive to the budget-conscious small biz owner, the fact is, customers have come to expect complimentary gift wrap as a part of their holiday shopping experience. If you don’t offer it, they will likely find another company that does. Not only is it taking-it-to-the-next-level customer service, and a great way to show your customers you appreciate them, but don’t forget that you can use gift wrap as an advertisement for your business and a way to draw shoppers in. Most people just don’t have the time, especially during the holidays, to elegantly wrap their gifts, so they’ll come to you because it makes their lives easier. Don’t be shy about advertising your unique gift wrapping offer, or simply ask customers to spread the word that you’re offering free gift wrap. If it’s really a strain, try it out for a couple weeks and see if it benefits your profits.

Remember: A stamp of your logo or a custom gift wrapping look can set you apart from your competition and subtly let people know where a gift came from.