
4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Custom Shipping Envelopes and Mailers Now

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Custom Shipping Envelopes and Mailers Now

The United States Postal Service delivers over 500 million letters and packages every day. That’s a lot of mail. Is your brand a part of this staggering number of parcels?

If you ship products in shipping envelopes or mailers, then you’ve probably already given at least some thought to how your packaging represents your brand. While sure, the purchases inside these packages matter, doesn’t it make sense that what’s on the outside matters almost just as much?
So, ask yourself…

  • Are you doing enough to elevate your brand in the eyes of your consumers?
  • How is your packaging working to convince buyers to make yet another purchase from you in the future?
  • Do you even think it matters?

The fact that study after study shows that packaging directly influences repeat purchases from customers should be a clue that, yes, indeed, customizing your packaging matters. But…is the cost of customizing worth it? We wholeheartedly believe, yes it is.
Need more convincing? Read on for the top 4 reasons why you need to consider getting custom shipping envelopes and mailers now.


Custom Shipping Envelopes and Mailers Help with Brand Consistency and Identity
In this day and age, your brand is probably in tons of different places. You’ve got your:
• website
• social media pages
• blog
• promotional materials
• email blasts to customers
• physical products
• branded bags for your in-store customers

While the fact that you’re doing so much is definitely commendable, the simple fact is, the bigger you get, the easier it is for your brand message to get a little muddled.
Custom shipping envelopes and mailers can help continue to build your brand’s consistency. Water resistant mailers are especially good for long-distance shipping. You don’t want your product to arrive a soggy mess. And when customers see that clearly-branded mailer they’ve been anxiously awaiting in their mailbox, they’ll know exactly who it’s from!


Custom Shipping Envelopes and Mailers Earn You Repeat Customers
Maybe you already know that it’s anywhere between 4-10 times more expensive to try and get a new customer than it is to keep one you already have.
How does this relate to customized packaging? Well, when you finally do get that new customer, you don’t want to drop the ball when they get the product they ordered.
Custom shipping materials help to elevate the brand experience for your customers. High-end durable packaging, like bubble lined poly mailers are perfect to customize for that more personalized feel that allows customers new and old to connect with your brand. And with so much shopping done online these days, branded shipping materials can, in a sense, replicate the in-store experience for consumers. Why not let your packaging and shipping boxes help you do just that?


Packaging is Likely to Be Shared On Social Media
When something looks good, you want to share it with as many people as possible!
Your customized shipping materials can really help you take advantage of the selfie, Instagram, and Facebook generation of today. That’s why we especially love these literature mailer boxes. They’re perfect to customize and can have a real wow-factor on social media.
Get onboard with the unboxing trend by giving your customers packaging that’s social-worthy. Remember, these posts are basically like free advertising for your brand – and they can expose you to new, previously untapped markets!

PRO TIP: Don’t forget to show the love to your “unofficial brand ambassadors” you find on social media. Always take the time to like, comment on, retweet/repost, and share on your own pages some of the pictures customers have uploaded of them unboxing your products or posing with your packaging. A retweet really can be worth a thousand words…
Again, it’s just another great way to build customer loyalty!


You’ll Connect with Your Customer Base
Finally, custom shipping envelopes and mailers will help to create a stronger bond between you and your customers. When a customer feels valued, they’re much more likely to make a purchase from you in the future.
One way you can really ensure that your custom shipping materials are building that bridge? By adding a personalized touch. Putting a customer’s name on a box, mailer, or envelope only takes a few seconds, but it can make a world of difference.
The same goes with sliding in a handwritten note, thanking them for choosing you.
Ready to Order Custom Shipping Envelopes and Mailers for Your Brand?
Now that you know all the incredible things these customized options can do for your brand and your customers, isn’t it time you ordered some?

That’s where we come in. At Mid-Atlantic Packaging, we’re committed to bringing the highest quality shipping and packaging materials to you. With years of industry experience, we combine the personal attention of a family business with the resources and expertise of a huge company.
We believe it’s true…you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Many times, your packaging is that first tangible interaction someone has with your brand. Together, we can work to make it a memorable one.
When you’re ready to start creating your own customized shipping materials, or if you need any other packaging or shopping bags customized, reach out to us today.