
5 Ways to Save Money with Retail Packaging

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

5 Ways to Save Money with Retail Packaging
No matter what kind of business or store you run, custom retail packaging can help give your store a higher-end and personalized feel, which every customer can appreciate. Because it doesn’t matter if you’re selling dog food or diamonds, repeat business and loyal customers are the secret sauce that can mean your store’s success. And keeping your name at the forefront of your customers’ mi …
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When is the Right Time to Switch Packaging Suppliers?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

When is the Right Time to Switch Packaging Suppliers?
At its most basic level, product packaging offers a way to protect products and accessories so that they are safe from the moment they leave factories or warehouses until they get to the hands of shoppers. Packaging ensures that these products will reach their destination without damage or loss. From design to engineering, packaging design can play a significant role in the overall success of a …
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Benefits of Flexible Packaging

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Benefits of Flexible Packaging
When it comes to packaging, you have many choices to make. One of these is to choose between rigid or flexible packaging. Flexible packaging refers to lightweight pouches or bags that are sealed using pressure or heat. Because of their flexible nature, these packs can easily be customized or modified. Flexible packaging is quite affordable, but doesn’t offer much protection against things …
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The Florist’s Complete Valentine’s Day Packaging Checklist

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

So you made it through the end of the year holiday hustle and bustle. But now are you feeling that familiar Valentine’s Day stress? We get it…trying to create the perfect store window display, putting together gift baskets for your clients, making sure your arrangements are cuter, sweeter, and just a touch more perfect than your competition’s – it can be exhausting! We know it can be s …
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