
Corporate Gift Bag Ideas for Your Next Conference

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Corporate Gift Bag Ideas for Your Next Conference

When businesses hold conferences, they often give guests a small gift bag to thank them for attending the event. This appreciation gift can often be a bag of useless “stuff” that no one ends up using. It sounds silly, but people may think better of their time spent with a business and give extra consideration to future opportunities with them if they’re impressed by their gift bags. Below are a few corporate gift bag ideas that will make your next conference a big hit.

Invest in Reusable Bags

Business swag bags began to lose their hype due to criticism that they weren’t environmentally friendly. That’s why we recommend spending on reusable bags. Just like their non-reusable counterparts, these bags still give you the option to have a design printed on them. It doesn’t need to stop at the bags—consider including organic clothing items, writing utensils, and other office materials as gifts.

Personalize the Gift Items

The purpose behind giving your guests a gift bag is to show them that you appreciate the time they’ve put aside for your business. Use personalized marketing techniques to provide attendees with something that’s tailored to their interests, field, etc. If guests feel noticed, they’ll be more inclined to do business with you in the future.

Fill it With Value

A fun-looking bag is just the start. Consider some of these items for your next conference swag bag:

While it is a professional event, many people will appreciate the out-of-the-box thinking you put into their gift bags. No matter what you include, remember that it’s about quality, not quantity.

Take It or Toss It Method

An exciting speaker may be able to encourage guests to use the items you provided in the gift bags, but sometimes this isn’t enough. Use this method to determine what’s worth your time and money:

  • Take: personalized items, electronics, clothing
  • Toss: printed information, brand-covered items, low-quality items