
Preparing for Black Friday as a Small Business Owner

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 20th Aug 2024

Preparing for Black Friday as a Small Business Owner

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, and for small business owners, it can be a crucial opportunity to increase sales and attract new customers. However, with so much competition from larger retailers, small businesses need a solid plan to make the most out of this busy day. This blog post will discuss tips and strategies for how small business owners can prepare for Black Friday.

Create a Black Friday Packaging Strategy

Before Black Friday arrives, it’s important to have a clear plan for how to incorporate stand-out packaging into your sales strategy. Implement the following tips on how to create an effective Black Friday packaging strategy.

  • Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to order your boutique packaging supplies. Ensure you have enough stock and order any custom or personalized items well in advance.
  • Consider special edition packaging: Consider creating special edition packaging specifically for Black Friday to make your products even more enticing. This unique packaging could include limited edition designs or festive holiday packaging.
  • Incorporate promotional materials: Black Friday is the perfect opportunity to promote your brand and products. Consider including promotional materials such as discount codes, business cards, or flyers in your packaging to encourage customers to return for future purchases.

The Importance of Packaging Supplies

As a small business owner, you know that creating a positive customer experience is key to building brand loyalty and attracting repeat customers. One way to enhance your customers’ experience is through high-quality packaging. Wholesale custom packaging supplies, in particular, can add a touch of luxury and professionalism to your products, making them stand out from the competition.

Ensure the Checkout Process Is Super Smooth

Have you ever gone to purchase a product online only to find the checkout process is difficult? You probably abandoned the item and went to buy it on another website. This situation is one you want to avoid with your customers. Check to see if the website lags, has too many fields to fill out, or continuously loses the data.

A rough checkout experience will have potential customers abandoning their at the snap of a finger—taking their business to the competition.

So, what should your checkout page look like? Ensure it’s uncluttered and straightforward. Only include necessary form fields, and ensure all buttons are easy to find and visible. Plainly display all fees to avoid surprising your customer. Estimate how long packages will take to get to them.

Consider including a follow-up “thank you” email. Include the purchase receipt and a quick note from you thanking the customer for their purchase. Set up an automatic abandoned cart email that will be sent when someone leaves items in their cart without pressing buy. This tip can help close on potential lost sales.

Ensure you equip your website to handle the increased holiday traffic. Discuss your site needs with your hosting company to discover what measures you can use to ensure the site doesn’t crash or lag during the holiday season.

What about the checkout process for a brick-and-mortar store? Customers don’t want to spend a decent chunk of time standing in a checkout line. Ensure you have enough staff to handle the increased foot traffic. This tip will help keep things moving in your store. Mark the checkout line with arrows and other markers so that customers know where to go to make a purchase.

Stand Out With Unique Packaging

Small businesses need to stand out from the competition. Unique packaging catches the eye of potential customers. These options could help you make an impression.

  • Custom boxes: Create custom boxes with your logo and branding to showcase your products professionally and memorably.
  • Gift bags: Gift bags are convenient for customers and offer a stylish and luxurious packaging option for your products.
  • Wrapping paper: For smaller items, wrapping paper can add a special touch to your packaging. Consider choosing designs that reflect the holiday season or your brand’s aesthetic.

Remember that preparation is key, so you must order enough stock in advance and consider adding special editions or custom packaging to make your products truly stand out. With the power of boutique packaging supplies, you can make a lasting impression on customers and increase sales on Black Friday and beyond.

The Power of Personalization

Adding a personal note or customizing the packaging with the customer’s name can create a more meaningful and memorable experience for them. Boutique packaging supplies offer various options for personalization, such as custom stickers or tags, to help you connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Use Every Marketing Channel

Don’t settle on one communication method. Instead, you’ll want to use every marketing channel and cast a wide net. Start with your email list, then move on to social media:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • X (formally Twitter)
  • YouTube

Create a unique hashtag and be intentional. You want to ensure you’re targeting the right audience. Set up social media polls to see what products or services customers are most excited to purchase.

Optimize Product Descriptions

SEO is incredibly important for a small business. Customers will search for products online using terms such as “Black Friday deals.” Ensure your website features the keywords needed to raise your business in the ranks. Optimizing your website will help bring in potential customers and drive up sales.

Look at your sales from last Black Friday. Which products did well, and which ones didn’t? Did you do anything special to those descriptions? What previous Black Friday keyword trends did well? Find ways to incorporate your answers onto the site. Ensure you work in terms such as “limited stock” and “limited-time offer” to create a sense of urgency.

Wrapping Things Up

Black Friday is a crucial day for small businesses, but you can maximize this opportunity with the right strategy. Boutique packaging supplies offer various options to help small business owners stand out and create a memorable customer experience. By incorporating high-quality and personalized packaging and highlighting the value of your products, you can attract new customers and build brand loyalty on Black Friday and beyond. So don’t wait—start planning your Black Friday packaging strategy today with boutique packaging supplies!

Preparing for Black Friday as a Small Business Owner