
Showcase your Apparel in Tailor-made Apparel Boxes

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Showcase your Apparel in Tailor-made Apparel Boxes

If you are in the retail apparel industry, then you know how competitive it is. Those who want to stay in business must find ways to differentiate themselves from the crowd.

This can be accomplished in many ways. It begins by selling eye-catching and original merchandise that is made with quality in mind. When people see your wares, it’s pretty easy for them to identify which retailer they came from.

It’s also possible to set your store apart from the rest by engaging with your customers on social media and having a well-designed website. As a 21st-century retailer, you know how critical it is to have a highly functional website that’s optimized for mobile viewing. This enables your customers to shop your store no matter where they are or what time it is. You even make certain that someone for your team is staying on top of your brand’s social media channels. Interacting with your customers is a wonderful way to turn one-time purchases into ongoing habits.

You even know that it’s important to stay at the top of your game with advertising and marketing strategies. You make use of the Internet, radio, television, print, and any other medium that you can think of.

However, you may have forgotten an additional channel that can be just as valuable and reach a huge audience: Customized apparel boxes.

Maybe boxes are not the first thing that jumps into your mind when you’re trying to build a brand. You’ve designed a logo, chosen an original name for your store, and had your website created by a professional. What you may not realize is that customized apparel boxes are one more way that you can get the word out about your brand.

Aren’t Custom Apparel Boxes Expensive?

If operations at your store are already underway, then you may have started out with generic bags and boxes that don’t have any branding.

These types of packaging are plain but functional. They have a clean look, and they are sturdy enough to adequately protect the clothing inside.

Perhaps best of all, they are inexpensive. If you’re trying to get a new apparel brand off the ground, you know how tight your budget is. It’s critical that you cut corners wherever it is possible.

However, skipping custom apparel boxes is not somewhere where you want to cut corners. For just a little more up-front cost, you can get apparel boxes that carry your brand’s logo, name, and proprietary color scheme. You might even opt for some other customizations like embossing.

With a little planning and imagination, you can transform your store from just another place to shop to an upscale experience that people will remember long after the date of purchase.

Isn’t that what you want? The more you can keep your brand in the forefront of peoples’ minds, the more likely you are to succeed.

Custom apparel boxes might cost more when you order them, but the return on investment can be fantastic in terms of repeat customers and new customers who want the same kind of memorable experience that their friends or online influencers have enjoyed.

Why Focus on Apparel Boxes?

Every store offers its customers bags, and it’s definitely something that you will want to consider as well. A custom shopping bag is another opportunity for you to express your brand’s identity. In fact, it’s an imperative marketing technique.

So why would you want to choose apparel boxes too? Let’s take a short journey into retail’s past.

Even just a few decades ago, it was common for most retailers, especially those that were considered upscale, to package their goods in boxes. When people bought a new hat, it came in a box of the appropriate size and shape. The box might be highly decorated with the name of the shop, a logo, and a unique collection of colors.

The same could be said for a new suit or dress. It arrived in a sturdy yet elegant box. Beneath the lid and nestled in tissue paper was a new piece of apparel. Clothing was more difficult to manufacture back then, and people simply did not own the same number of pieces that we tend to do today. This meant that shopping was a special event, and retailers catered to and enhanced this experience by using the best packaging at their disposal.

When it became less expensive and much easier to manufacture clothing, prices came down and it wasn’t so common for apparel to arrive in a box. People did most of their shopping in-store and immediately carried away their items in a convenient bag.

People still buy clothing in brick-and-mortar stores today, but they are even more likely to shop online. This gives retailers an opportunity to hark back to a gentler, more elegant era with custom apparel boxes.

When a customer receives your custom box at their home, they will know that they are about to have an experience from the moment they see the lid. Accordingly, custom apparel boxes mean that:

  • Your brand stands out from the crowd
  • Your company could quickly become trendy
  • Your company is creative and innovative
  • Your customers are definitely going to remember you

Custom Apparel Boxes: Use Them Again, Then Recycle Them

When people received a new hat or a dress or suit in a fancy box from the store, they tended to hang on to the box. They used the box again and again.

Think back to the time that you may have spent with your grandparents at their home. Chances are good that you saw old hat boxes, shoe boxes, and apparel boxes somewhere in their closets. They might have been filled with mementos like family photographs and greeting cards, and hanging on to that box meant that a certain retailer and piece of clothing might be remembered for a lifetime.

When you provide custom apparel boxes to your customers, you’re giving them a package that can be used over and over. If the customer ever tires of the box or just doesn’t need it anymore, it can easily be recycled.

The ability to reuse and recycle packaging is a critical concern in today’s retail market. Consumers are attracted to brands that focus on finding greener ways of operating. Your dedication to using apparel boxes that can be reused and recycled is bound to attract even more followers to your brand.

Endless Customization Options

One of the best reasons for choosing custom apparel boxes is that they are endlessly customizable. Whether you need small boxes, large boxes, or something in between, you’ll be able to find it. Do you want a box that has an attached lid? We certainly have those options available.

Do you want a particularly thick and sturdy box that your customers will use repeatedly? That’s always an option.

What colors do you want on your boxes? Should the finish be glossy or matte? Do you want to include unique artwork or lettering? Perhaps a bit of embossing will make your apparel boxes stand out from the crowd.

These and millions of other options are possible when you work with Mid-Atlantic Packaging.

If you aren’t certain where to start, here are a few things to consider:

  • Will the clothing you sell fit into one size of the box, or is it wise to choose a range of sizes?
  • Have you created a logo for your brand? If so, then be sure to incorporate it into the box’s design. If not, then it’s time to make one or have one created for you.
  • Are there certain colors that you have taken care to have associated with your brand? If a certain color scheme appears in your store or on your website, your apparel boxes can echo it.
  • Do you use a particular font for your brand’s name or on the website? Make certain that you use it on the box as well.
  • What might you need in addition to apparel boxes? Options may include tissue paper, ribbon, bags, and labels.

Count on Mid-Atlantic Packaging

Custom apparel boxes are probably far more affordable and accessible than you realize. Mid-Atlantic Packaging works with brands like yours every day to craft memorable, stylish, and functional apparel boxes.

Visit our custom packaging quote page today to get the ball rolling. You’ll be surprised and pleased to learn just how many options you have and how easy it is to work with the design team at Mid-Atlantic Packaging. If you already have a design ready to go, we can make it a reality. We also help businesses start from scratch when they want to create custom apparel boxes.