
How to Get a Direct ROI by Showcasing Packaging in Your Ads

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

How to Get a Direct ROI by Showcasing Packaging in Your Ads
Packaging a product is almost as important as the product itself. The eye has to relate to the contents and brand. Choosing an easily recognized and attractive form of packaging will enhance a consumer to buy a product. It is not only the looks alone that trigger the brain to accept the ingredients. Here are some showcasing tips that manufacturers spend months in creating just to have the right ba …
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Top Packaging Trends For 2021

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Top Packaging Trends For 2021
When was the last time your company revamped its product packaging? If your company is like most, the answer may be “years” or even “decades.”Or, maybe your business is just getting started. If so, then it’s time to make some critical decisions with regard to how your new product will be packaged.Like many other things, packaging design goes through various trends. With all of the history-making e …
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Understanding Custom Packaging Options

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Understanding Custom Packaging Options
Do you know the options you have when it comes to packaging? Like e-commerce, the packaging industry has grown rapidly to meet consumer demand for safe, sustainable, informative, durable, artistic product packaging. In an era when computers and non-human apps are taking over much of our daily lives, consumers seem to be seeking out products and services that are delivered with unique flair and per …
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What Is Kraft Paper?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

What Is Kraft Paper?
You may not know what Kraft paper is, but you have certainly encountered it before. In fact, you have probably used this substance many, many times without even realizing what it is. Kraft paper is used to make cardboard, grocery bags, paper towels, and many other things that you probably see every day. In order to give you a better idea of what it is, let’s look at the details of the matter.What …
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