
The Role of Packaging in Building Your Brand

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 7th Jun 2023

The Role of Packaging in Building Your Brand

As an e-commerce business, packaging can directly impact a brand’s identity and image. This is also essential for commercial companies that sell anything from health and wellness products to industrial parts. Here’s how packaging can have a role in building a brand through reputation, relationships, and identity.

How Packaging Can Build a Brand

Packaging is a crucial part of a successful business. Here’s how packaging can help build your brand reputation and identity through design, protection, relationships, and brand expression.

Building Relationships

Packaging can strongly impact the relationship between customers and your business. It can leave customers feeling satisfied and more inclined to return or frustrated, vowing never to shop from your company again. So, you should consider the protective capabilities your packaging offers, the design elements, the visual appearance, and the materials used.

Customers should always have a positive experience upon receiving a package from your business. With eye-catching details and practical packaging efforts, it can increase customer loyalty and grow your business through positive reviews and word-of-mouth. Ultimately, it will pay off and create a strong relationship between your business and customers.

Product Protection

The last thing a customer wants after ordering one of your products is to receive it damaged or broken. Therefore, packaging should look visually appealing and provide additional protection during transit. The condition and appearance of your product can impact a customer’s perception of your brand, either positively or negatively.

A customer receiving a torn, cracked, spilled, or destroyed product will negatively view your business, hindering your establishment from growing. Furthermore, your packaging design should stand out from the competition without sacrificing protection.

Enhances Brand Reputation

One role packaging has in building a brand is through reputation. Proper brand packaging can help increase brand identification and awareness. By incorporating creative packaging design, you can easily separate yourself from other brands and leave a memorable impression on customers. Packaging design doesn’t have to have complicated or sophisticated design choices; simplicity can have a tremendously positive impact.

You can build your brand’s presence by simply using your logo, name, and colors on the package. You don’t have to go overboard with graphic design or loud visuals; customers are more inclined to choose a clear, easy-to-understand brand message. Once they receive your package, they can recognize your brand from the packaging alone.

Offer Brand Identity Expression

Your packaging should reflect the industry your business specializes in. For instance, if your business focuses on health and wellness products, the packaging design should promote feelings of relaxation and ease without being too visually abrasive.

Your packaging should reflect the products you offer, so it’s essential to pick high-quality images, fonts, graphics, and distinctive designs and printing that support your brand identity. Furthermore, choosing unique materials can help engage with customers and differentiate your business.

Tips for Building Brand Packaging

Knowing how to build brand packaging can help bring in your target audience and increase your brand reputation. In addition, product packaging can help promote brand identity and client retention, thus helping you become a successful business.

Don’t Forget the Functionality

Besides packaging appearance, you want to include elements that support functionality. While choosing designs that pop and draw the eye is tempting, you want to avoid design elements that can leave a narrow margin of error during production. In addition, many industries adhere to regulatory requirements that can directly impact package design.

You don’t want to have a situation where you must pay high delay costs during the design verification stage or instances of recalls and redesigns because you violated federal, local, or international packaging regulations. Your business should remain fully aware of all applicable packaging regulations, especially when designing retail graphics.

Understand Your Audience

Customers have specific expectations when it comes to businesses. They expect their products to show up unscathed and receive the exact product they ordered. Many product packaging elements can influence your target audience.

Take the time to investigate consumer types, including customer preferences, pain points, purchase habits, and more. Having a good understanding of the people you sell to can help improve sales and brand reputation. Furthermore, customizing brand packaging can help attract your target audience and more potential customers.

Focus on Effective Design

Many packaging choices exist; big, small, paper, cardboard, wood, and more. But you want packaging that represents your business and your message. So, when choosing the proper packaging, you want something that provides a protective barrier during transit and has a quality presentation.

Customers sincerely appreciate the level of dedication to graphic design, digital creativity, hand-drawn elements, photographs, and more when they receive a package. Product packaging designs don’t just come down to choosing plastic or paper but also the materials used for textures and designs. Take the time to consider what impression and message you want to leave behind for the customer, as it can help build customer loyalty and understanding.

Positive Packaging Experience

When a customer receives a package from your business, it can leave a lasting impression. While dismissing the appearance and presentation of packaging is easy, it can make or break a customer’s experience with your business. Packaging should always feel like an exciting experience and a special occasion when it arrives at a customer’s door. Don’t sacrifice presentation and preservation for quick shipping with less flattering packaging.

The last thing a customer wants to receive is a dented, broken box with messy filler materials and their product left in pieces. So instead, focus on making it a memorable experience by customizing every aspect of the package. Consider minor details, such as branded tissue paper, coupons, and a thank you card for supporting your business. The most minor considerations can go a long way in making a positive impression on customers and your branding.

Since 1982, our team of professionals has provided industry-leading service and continued to offer exceptional customer service. We offer high-quality, eco-friendly packaging products for small businesses that want to leave a good impression on customers and clients. We believe in being the industry's best retail packaging supplies wholesale provider, from paper bags and gift boxes to bows and ribbons. If you have any questions regarding our packaging supplies, contact us today for more information.

The Role of Packaging in Building Your Brand