
What’s the Difference Between Stock and Custom Packaging?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Branding is all about creating a signature. That’s why many brands prefer custom packaging that elevates packaging to a marketing asset. However, branding is also about conveying messages within a company’s budget. This is where stock packaging becomes an attractive choice. Choosing between custom packaging and stock packaging is one of the first decisions brands make when bringing products to market. Which route is the smarter one for budding brands? Take a look at the pros and cons of both custom and stock packaging.

What Is Stock Packaging?

Stock packaging is essentially “generic” packaging that brands can select. Stock packaging designs are preset designs offered in standard sizes. The obvious perk with stock packaging is that it can be easily purchased in bulk quantities. This is also an economical option because brands are scooping up packaging at bulk rates. Generally, stock packaging is available in standardized sizes. A brand can order a wide variety of different sizes to accommodate products of different shapes and sizes. However, stock packaging is not intended to offer a “custom fit” the way that branded packaging would. Stock packaging is ideal for:

  • Newer brands without the budgets to commit to custom packaging.
  • Brands that sell products with conventional sizes or shapes.
  • Brands that aren’t focused on spreading brand awareness using uniform colors or styles across all customer interactions.
  • Resellers selling a wide variety of products from different originating brands.

Yes, stock packaging is the choice for cost savings. However, the limitations of stock packaging can become frustrating as brands try to grow brand awareness. A brand that selects stock packaging is competing for visibility with brands that are utilizing the power of custom packaging to connect with customers. A brand with a fully developed brand style may want to avoid stock packaging. However, even a brand with strong branding power may have some room for stock packaging within its larger packaging plan. For instance, food brands may decide that some takeaway items are ideal for generic packaging options because they are paired with branded items like takeaway bags.

Finally, stock packaging does offer the best option for brands needing quick turnaround times. Stock packaging can be provided in a short amount of time because products are mass-produced without the extra time needed to customize or brand individual pieces. Generally, ordering is very flexible because the packaging supplier doesn’t necessarily need brands to commit to minimum orders.

What Is Custom Packaging?

Custom packaging allows brands to choose box styles, color themes, and sizes. Choosing custom packaging is really a decision to elevate the brand experience at every point of customer interaction. However, the truth is that custom packaging goes far beyond just ensuring that your brand’s logo and artwork are strategically displayed. Custom packaging can actually reinforce brand values. Here’s a look at some of the unexpected benefits of custom packaging:

  • Brands Can Align Packaging Style With Product Value: Custom packaging can be tailored to fit the theme of the product. This is important for reinforcing the purpose and value of the product being purchased.
  • Brands Can Use Custom Packaging to Save on Shipping: One of the biggest “waste factors” in packaging is shipping. Using generic packaging can artificially inflate packaging costs because packages aren’t streamlined for maximum efficiency based on the dimensions of the product. Custom packaging can actually be used to reduce dimensional weight during shipping.
  • Better Packaging Reduces Warehouse Load: Many brands are actually paying to store packaging instead of products. When packaging is bulky, unnecessary space on warehouse shelves becomes occupied.
  • Shorter Processing Times: Generic packaging can slow down processing times by forcing employees to spend more time preparing each package. Time spent trying to make items fit in generic packages, adding padding to surround items and carefully taping package exteriors to reduce damage can all eat away at productivity to cause your customers to wait longer for their orders to arrive.
  • Sustainably Can Be Prioritized: Unfortunately, relying on stock packaging can sometimes cause brands to produce unnecessary waste. This is something that customers notice. There’s a big trend happening right now around sustainability in product packaging. Brands are showing their commitment to reducing waste by using efficient, recyclable and eco-friendly packaging options. It’s hard for brands to offer accountability for packaging when they are simply sourcing their packages using bulk ordering. A custom packaging plan gives brands control over the materials and methods used to create their packaging products. Ultimately, this leaves customers with less waste to deal with after they remove a product from its packaging. Brands have every reason to include their sustainable packaging initiatives in their marketing plans. More than 80% of customers feel that it’s “important to extremely important” for brands to design environmentally conscious products. Additional data shows that customers are letting their eco-friendly preferences fuel their purchasing decisions. In fact, roughly half of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products.
  • Product Protection Can Be Enhanced: Custom packaging that’s designed for the shape, size and vulnerability level of a product acts like a form of insurance against product damage during transit. Poorly fitted packaging is one of the leading causes of product damage. Ill-fitted packaging is prone to rips, premature opening, moisture issues and critter infestations. Custom packaging can reduce the movement and jostling that often occur when products are placed in one-size-fits-all packages. When product damage during transit is minimized, return and replacements costs drop significantly. Damage-proof packaging also helps to boost customer perception by providing brands with a higher degree of control over what packages will actually look like when they arrive. This is extremely important for customer loyalty, positive word of mouth and insulation against poor customer reviews.

Yes, custom packaging is the option that boosts the “wow factor” for the customer. However, brands do need to be realistic about weighing the benefits of custom packaging versus initial investment costs. There’s no way around the fact that custom packaging is significantly more expensive than stock packaging. Custom packaging simply increases the price per product sold. However, it’s important to keep in mind that some of the extra costs of custom packaging will be offset by low return levels, reduced product damage, and speedier processing times for getting products shipped out.

Comparing the Processes for Using Stock and Custom Packaging

The processes for using stock and custom shipping look very different from the start! When sourcing stock packaging, the goal is to find the best options for fitting “most” products. Typically, a company that ships multiple products will choose preset sizes to accommodate their shipping needs. The stock packaging products will arrive completely unbranded.

Brands should know that there is some opportunity for customizing stock packaging. For instance, custom labels can be added at the point of shipping to add some branded flair. This is typically an inexpensive option. However, it does still add to the cost per package while also taking up employee time.

The process for creating custom packaging is far more intense. Brands will work with graphic designers, package designers, and a packaging vendor to come up with custom designs. It’s possible for brands to create packaging completely from scratch using unique dimensions and materials. The process becomes more expensive for each unique packaging concept that is created to accommodate specific products.

Final Thoughts on Choosing Between Stock and Branded Packaging

The silver lining for brands is that both stock and branded packaging options can offer durability, eco-friendly materials, and user-friendly touches. Deciding which option is best really comes down to immediate brand goals. Brands that simply need to get started with packaging products for sale and shipment may benefit from starting with bulk orders of stock packaging. Turnaround times for both original and replenishment orders can be extremely fast for stock packaging. Of course, brands that build value using strong brand identities have everything to gain by creating exclusive packaging experiences using custom packaging. While the process for custom packaging requires a higher initial investment of time and capital, most brands see custom packaging as a perfect way to marry practical needs and marketing.

At Mid-Atlantic Packaging, we deliver the highest quality for both stock and custom packaging designs. No project is too ambitious for our team of product experts. Reach out today for your custom packaging quote from Mid-Atlantic Packaging.