
5 Things You Should Know Before Designing Your Custom Shopping Bag

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

5 Things You Should Know Before Designing Your Custom Shopping Bag

When you first start to design your customized shopping bags, you might not have a clear idea of where to begin. And you may be overwhelmed by the amount of variables to consider.

Here, we’ve collected a list of some of our best tips on how to create unforgettable designs for your company’s custom shopping bag, from budgeting to branding, and everything in between.

#1. Consider Your Customer

One of the most important factors influencing bag design? The customer themselves! When beginning to design, ask yourself, “What would my customer like to carry? What colors would they be drawn to?”

Thinking about what you want a customer to do after he or she leaves your store can also help you determine which type of shopping bag is best.

  • Are you hoping your customers will reuse your bags?
  • Is your customer base the type that would reuse packaging?

Knowing this can help you decide how much of your advertising budget you’re willing to put towards your shopping bag design and order.

#2. Make It Your Own – Branding is Beneficial

We see people making the same big mistake time and again. Wondering what that mistake could possibly be? It’s the kind of thing that’s so simple it’s easy to miss.

Too often, we see people selecting a bag that looks exactly like everyone else’s. Why do they do this? Because it’s easy to think that playing it safe can result in saving you money. But did you know that 35% of consumers have changed brands as a result of new packaging?

What really ends up happening when you chose the “safe” route is you miss out on a prime opportunity for branding and connecting with your customers by elevating their shopping experience.

If you’ve worked hard to design a logo, why only use it on your website and store windows? Consider ordering custom shopping bags with logo prints to build brand recognition in both your current and future markets. At the very least, we recommend choosing bags in your store’s colors. You may even want to check out what other local stores and your direct competition are sending shoppers out the door with. Creative, beautiful shopping bags may be just the edge you need to stand out against the competition.

#3. Tips to Stay Within Your Budget

If you’re looking to lower the cost of your bags, consider going with an eco-friendly shopping bag option made from recycled materials. Not only can they still be completely customized, but choosing a bag with less of an environmental impact lets your customers know that you care about the world outside of your store.

Still need to tighten your budget, without sacrificing the look of the bag? Consider jazzing things up with a festive ribbon, some stickers, or colorful tissue paper. Your customers will have no idea that what they see as “going the extra mile” is actually a money-saving tactic!

#4. Remember, It’s A Journey

Sadly, we’ve also seen a lot of companies get so caught up in making an innovative, over-the-top design that they completely overlook the durability of the bag they choose. A gorgeously-designed bag won’t count for anything if it falls apart before a customer can make it back to their car.

Think about the heaviest item in your store, and be sure you have packaging that can accommodate that product. Remember that even though ordering sturdier bags may be more expensive up front, if you have to double bag all your purchases, you may actually be losing money.

#5. Words with Friends – And Customers!

Most people think that customizing their packaging is simply putting their store’s name and maybe phone number on a bag is enough. We say, think bigger! Include a company motto (if you don’t have one, now you have a reason to dream one up), social media account handles, and above all, your store’s location. You can also order custom printed inserts to put inside your bags that let shoppers know about any upcoming sales or in-store events.

If you’re stuck on inspiration, as with anything in business, a brainstorming session with your team is always a good idea. Be open to all ideas and suggestions – you never know when that million-dollar idea will come up. And be sure to ask if anyone on your team has design experience or an artistic talent!

Now that you understand everything you need to know and consider when designing a custom shopping bag, it’s time to get to work on creating a bag that your customers will want to show off around town. Smart marketing means stretching your dollars to make your branding efforts go as far as possible.