
6 Ways to Market Your Business for the Holidays

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

6 Ways to Market Your Business for the Holidays

The holidays are upon us, and businesses are bustling about as they plan their holiday strategies. For many businesses, this is one of the most lucrative times of the year. In order to maximize your profits, you need your customers to know what your services or products are as well as why they should choose you. To help you kickstart your advertising campaign, we’ve created some tips on how to market your business for the holidays.

1. Start Early

The holiday market is competitive, and companies start their marketing earlier every year. They want to catch the attention of consumers before anyone else does and secure the business of early shoppers. As such, you should stay ahead of the game and start rolling out your promotions as soon as you have your holiday strategy in place.

2. Analyze Your Data

How did your business fare during the holidays last year? What about the year before that? No matter how well you’ve done in the past, you want to continue to grow each year. Analyze your data from previous years and evaluate the areas in which you’ve thrived as well as where you can improve.

3. Send Seasonal E-mails

There are a few different types of e-mails you may want to send throughout the holiday season, and each should have a separate purpose. The first e-mail should urge your customers to get started with their shopping—you may even want to consider including a gift-giving guide in this e-mail. You’ll also want to send out separate e-mails for any sales you have. To further ensure customer loyalty and to show them you care, send out an additional e-mail that thanks them for their patronage and wishes them a happy holiday.

4. Offer a Free Gift with Purchase

A free gift is an attractive incentive for anyone conducting their holiday shopping. This small gift can be a little something extra for them, or you can encourage them to use it as a stocking stuffer—that’s one less thing they’ll have to buy!

5. Have Flash Sales

Sales can last all season long, but a flash sale gives shoppers an incentive to buy an item now. Consider holding one flash sale a week to give them something to look forward to.

6. Amp Up Your Social Media

The holiday season is the time to be at the top of your social media game. Utilize a variety of platforms and advertise any offers or gift ideas. A giveaway or two is also a great way to encourage your audience to follow your social media pages.
