
Busting Common Packaging Myths

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Busting Common Packaging Myths

Can you separate filler from fact when it comes to packaging myths? There are plenty of fables about foldables, fallacies about finishes, and misconceptions about cardboard floating around out there in the world of consumer goods. There’s a simple reason why packaging myths are so common.

Consumer brands are in the business of selling products. They aren’t in the packaging business. However, they rely on packaging to market their products, protect their products and add value to their products. Many bulk packaging suppliers perpetuate myths about “expensive” packaging because they benefit when brands settle. That’s why myths about packaging are so damaging for brand managers trying to make solid decisions. Don’t make your next packaging decision until you learn about the four most common packaging myths!

1. Cuttings Costs Actually Saves Money

Yes, there are plenty of ways to acquire budget-friendly packaging. However, the “cheapest” packaging option isn’t always the one that’s going to save you the most money. The cost of packaging needs to be looked at holistically. Weigh the cost of a packaging option against the costs of choosing the wrong packaging. Here are the common scenarios where the price myth hurts brands:

  • Scenario 1: Choosing packaging solely based on the fact that it’s the cheapest option. While some products will do just fine with the cheapest default packaging, brands have to consider if an ultra-budget option will really hold up against travel, wear and tear and product weight. The costs for returns and unsold products after packaging fails are often much higher than the savings that come from going with the cheapest option.
  • Scenario 2: You skip varnishes and coatings to save money. Unfortunately, the way your packaging looks when it leaves your possession may not be the way it looks when it arrives in a customer’s hands if you’re skipping varnishes and coatings. Varnishes and coatings offer protection against scratches, denting, moisture and more.
  • Scenario 3: You settle for whatever size and shape you can purchase cheaply in bulk. When you simply settle for what’s cheapest without taking the specific practical and aesthetic needs of your product into account, you run the risk of mismatching your product and packaging. First, this can create an impression of mediocrity for customers when they receive what seems like a thoughtless box. In addition, you may end up spending more on shipping and filler material if your boxes are much larger than they need to be. Additionally, choosing packaging that creates a tight fit can cause your packaging to tear at the seams.
  • Scenario 4: You don’t take sustainability into consideration because you assume that eco-friendly and recycled packaging products are too expensive. This is one of the most common packaging blunders caused by the common packaging myth that eco-friendly options are more expensive. In reality, many brands actually save by pivoting to sustainable packaging. One of the immediate benefits is that most eco-friendly packages actually help to reduce shipping costs because they are lighter. Brands that skip eco-friendly packaging cause brand damage. That’s because consumers are increasingly paying attention to how brands manage sustainability and waste reduction. According to research released in 2020, 55% of United States consumers report that they are “extremely or very concerned” about the environmental impact of product packaging.

Myths surrounding price are some of the most damaging myths for brands making important packaging decisions that will impact brand trajectory for years to come. In addition to causing many brands to spend much more than they would have by going with the right packaging in the first place, these myths actually lead to decreased brand value in the eyes of customers. Unfortunately, trying to bounce back from the “image hit” of poor packaging can be one of the most expensive undertakings for a brand.

2. Only “Superstar” Brands Can Use Custom Packaging

There may have been a time when custom packaging was something that only big brands could access. However, innovations in packaging design and production have made it possible for mom-and-pop producers to afford the same customization as major brands. Customization allows smaller brands to compete in a more direct way with major brands by erasing the “visual” gap between two products on a shelf. That means that upgrading to custom packaging may also help to close the gap in sales numbers between the “little guy” and the Goliath brand. It’s always worth it to get a quote for custom packaging to get a realistic idea of how affordable the option is based on your brand’s budget. Many smaller brands that ruled out custom packaging due to the myth that it’s too expensive, have been surprised to discover just how comparable the costs between bulk and custom packaging really are!

3. Sustainable Packaging Is Boring

Many people visualize bland, beige-only packaging options when they think of sustainable packaging. The truth is that sustainable packaging can be made using a variety of colors, designs, and aesthetic choices. Yes, it’s true that the sustainable packaging of a decade ago left much to be desired. Today’s sustainable packaging is attractive and versatile because it’s being designed as the dominant packaging choice during a time when wasteful, environmentally damaging packaging is being phased out. How can brands get a glimpse of just how elegant and creative eco-friendly packaging can truly be? The best way to have misconceptions about sustainable packaging ripped to shreds is to simply request a demo from a packaging supplier to see some real-world examples.

4. Elaborate Packaging Always Means Safer Packaging

This is one of the biggest myths causing brands to waste money while also creating wasteful packaging! More isn’t always more when it comes to keeping products safe. Design over bulk is always the path to success when it comes to creating packaging that decreases damages. Here are the fast rules to remember when you feel tempted to keep layering packaging materials because you’re concerned about fragile or breakable products:

  • One good tamper-proof mechanism can be more effective than a list of makeshift security measures.
  • Different layers don’t necessarily add protection if they’re not protecting key points of contact that are known to cause damage.
  • Overpaying on shipping can outweigh the benefits of adding protection against damage in some cases.
  • Coatings and varnishes can be just as effective at protecting against superficial damage as extra packaging.
  • Custom packaging inserts can often keep products more secure for less money than freeform packaging with tons of filler needed.

Protecting products against damage isn’t just about creating more barriers between products and the outside world. It’s about getting the right fit to reduce the harm caused by jostling, falls, impact and pressure. Many brands naively think that they are doing customers favors by gratuitously wrapping products in superfluous packaging. In reality, customers end up having an awkward, difficult “unboxing” experience that causes them to have a diminished perception of the product at hand. The problem of hard-to-open packaging is so common that the term “wrap rage” was coined to describe it! There are even websites, forums, and news articles dedicated to trying to help customers figure out how to open complicated packaging. The goal is to keep products safe while creating the fastest and easiest route to opening the packaging for customers! The gem here is that you may actually be able to increase the likelihood of your product being featured in social media posts and videos if you can create packaging that creates a marvelous “unboxing” experience that’s worthy of being shared online!

Get Some Help Busting the Most Common Packaging Myths

Like all myths, packaging myths can be overcome with the right education! That’s where consulting with a packaging supplier with a strong in-house team capable of collaborating with brand managers, product managers, package designers, product designers, graphic designers and other decision-makers on your team becomes important. Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that there are limitations on your packaging potential that are ultimately myths. Mid-Atlantic Packaging is here to help you discover custom, eco-friendly, and innovative packaging solutions that can provide the optimal amount of coverage based on your brand standards, project goals, and budget. Let us help you connect with your customers through remarkable packaging. Reach out today to get your custom packaging quote.