
Candle Box Packaging Designing Tips

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jul 2022

Most households in the U.S. have at least a few candles. They make great gifts, and there's no better light source for creating an intimate atmosphere and adding ambiance to any space.

Because candles are so popular, there is an abundance of candle companies out there. How can you compete with all of those manufacturers?

There are several things you can do to make your products distinctive from those offered by the competition. One of these is to design custom candle packaging that could make your products fly off of the shelf.

When you're ready to design packaging for your candles, contact Mid-Atlantic Packaging. We can manufacture your existing design ideas or help you to create a stunning new design that reflects your brand's identity in the best possible way.

Tips for Designing Candle Boxes and Other Packaging

You'll be surprised to discover all of the choices you have when it comes to packaging your candles. Some of them include:

  • Using labels, cards, and tags
  • Opting for simple designs
  • Choosing a professional design
  • Ensuring a relevant design
  • Targeting your market
  • Choosing the right colors
  • Selecting imagery
  • Using the right materials
  • Getting the size and shape right

Let's explore each of these in detail.

Making the Most of Labels, Cards, and Tags

Some candle manufacturers may decide not to go with boxes at all. On the other hand, perhaps they are considering using boxes in addition to accessories such as labels, cards, and tags.

If you decide to use these accessories, then it's critical that you ensure that your logo and unique design are shown front and center. Don't forget that each step in the buying process provides you with an opportunity tobuild your brand. From purchase to receipt and burning, you'll have ample opportunities to take advantage of branding.

Some candle manufacturers will hire a graphic designer to create labels, tags, and the like. Others may decide to create their own design. Either way, it is essential that the artwork provides a cohesive appearance across the entire line of your products.

One of the most critical branding opportunities is tied up in the label that you place on your candles. In many cases, the consumer sees this label as they burn the candle. You can make the most of this opportunity by choosing a label that has a unique shape or is oversized.

Another option is to choose a clear jar to hold your candle with a clear label affixed to the exterior. This provides a printed-on look that can be really sophisticated. Other candle makers may opt for a smaller oval or square label that takes up less space on the jar and allows the beauty of the candle wax itself to shine through.

If you plan to use labels on your candles, make certain that you use coordinating colors, themes, and texts on exterior packaging and any marketing materials to create a cohesive final presentation.

Candlemakers frequently add a hang tag or label to outer packaging to further dress up their wares and make them look even more special and desirable. One of the benefits of a custom tag on a candle or a box that holds a candle is that it's a ready-made gift. Your customers don't have to do any wrapping to be able to present a loved one with a beautiful surprise.

At the same time, that hang tag is doing its job of reinforcing your brand's name and identity to the consumer.

Hangtags can be cut in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, giving you plentiful options for adding them to boxes, bags, and candle jars. All you need is a piece of colored twine to tie the hangtag anywhere you wish.

Another great way to use labels is to have large, pre-printed labels sealing your candle boxes. A custom wraparound label is beautiful, eye-catching, and affordable.

Simplicity Can Be the Best

A design doesn't have to be overdone to be eye-catching. Too many entrepreneurs add way too much to their packaging in an effort to make their products jump off the shelf. The result can be overwhelming, causing consumers to reach for something that has a cleaner, more soothing look.

Resist the temptation to go overboard with your candle packaging. A simple design does not have to be boring and bland. Focus on using readable fonts and showcasing the attributes of your products rather than overwhelming customers with a wild design.

Use a Professional Design

Consumers may have numerous reasons for choosing one specific product over another. Both form and function are critical, and while it's natural to believe that your great products speak for themselves, this may not be quite enough.

A professional packaging design is crucial to turning your candles into clean, neat, and presentable products. Refrain from using clip art or other readily available designs that are in wide use. A graphic designer could probably help you create something beautiful in very little time and for only a small amount of money. Alternatively, you can always ask the professional design team at Mid-Atlantic Packaging to provide their expert guidance.

Choose Relevant Packaging Design

It's never wise to leave packaging behind as an afterthought. The packaging you use can be instrumental in persuading a customer to reach for your products. In fact, your packaging is a unique asset. Keep your packaging straightforward, simple, and professional while also keeping your products in mind.

For instance, if you are selling a high-end, luxury candle, then a cartoonish logo or label probably is not a fitting choice. You want something understated, tasteful, and elegant to keep the packaging relevant to the product.

In short, it is wise to consider your brand's values when you are selecting packaging. This will definitely make your products stand out from the competition.

Target Your Market

Which segment of the public is your target? Are you aiming for the young and hip or an older, more well-heeled crowd? Do your candles appeal more to men than women or vice versa?

As you design your candle packaging, give plenty of thought to who is most likely to be buying your products. You can tailor your packaging so that it is more appealing to that audience.

What Colors Will You Use?

Color has a huge impact on the viewer, frequently communicating thoughts and impressions without people being consciously aware of it. Accordingly, it is wise to consider thepsychology of colors when you are designing your packaging.

What thoughts and feelings do various colors evoke? Here is a brief guide:

  • Green: Nature, balance, love, harmony, and communication
  • Yellow: Fun, creativity, humor, lightness, logic, and intellect
  • Orange: Enthusiasm, productivity, optimism, and pleasure
  • Red: Energizing, passion, spontaneity, stamina, and vitality
  • Violet: Intuitive, artistic, flow, mediation, and imagination
  • Blue: Inner peace, calmness, honesty, kindness, truth, and devotion

What do you want your candle packaging to communicate? Choose your color scheme carefully to ensure that you are sending the message that you intend.

Get Maximum Impact with Imagery

You've probably heard the saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words." That is absolutely true in the case of product packaging.

Customers may spend just a few seconds scanning the options on the shelf or on their computer screen. Will their eyes be drawn more toward a beautiful image or a block of small text?

Don't underestimate the power and allure of a well-chosen image on your candle box. This could be the element that causes someone to choose your candles over those of your competitor.

Carefully Choose Materials

Many candle makers choose to package their candles in boxes. Paperboard is among the most popular material choices for these boxes. It is an eco-friendly and attractive material that also is lightweight. Moreover, paperboard is genuinely easy to customize so that it reflects your brand's personality and aesthetic.

Plastic is another option for packaging your candles, but you may want to think twice before choosing it. Plastic is easy to mass-produce and cheap, but it is nowhere near as environmentally friendly as paperboard. While paperboard is readily recyclable, your customers probably won't have a chance when it comes to recycling a plastic container. Plastic also can add significantly to the overall weight of your product, which is probably undesirable.

Get the Size and Shape Right

Whether your candles are pillars, tapers, votives, or all of the above, it's wise to get custom packaging that is perfectly sized for each option. For example, you might place pillar candles in tall, slender boxes while votives can be packaged in a tube formed from Kraft paper.

Expert Guidance from Mid-Atlantic Packaging

Are you ready to get started with designing packaging for your candles? Get acustom packaging quote from Mid-Atlantic Packaging today.