
Common Mistakes Made With Structural Packaging

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Common Mistakes Made With Structural Packaging

Too many companies don’t put enough thought into their packaging. As long as the packaging protects the product within, they figure it’s good enough.

In some ways, they are right. The primary function of any packaging is to protect the contents. However, packaging can do so much more, and it’s a mistake not to give packaging your full consideration.

As an example, structural packaging is an enormously popular option for a wide variety of products. Unfortunately, too many companies make mistakes when designing structural packaging. Use this article to help you avoid many of the most common mistakes that are made when designing structural packaging.

What Is Structural Packaging?

When talking about “structural” packaging, it’s necessary to mention:

  • Product delivery capability
  • Materials
  • Texture
  • Shape

With so many factors playing a role, it’s clear that structural packaging is a critical means through which any company can differentiate its wares from those of the competition. The consumer benefits too when companies are careful with the design of their structural packaging. That’s because well-designed structural packaging improves product delivery and supports conservation efforts.

Designing high-quality structural packaging, although it may be more expensive than using generic cartons, provides a considerable return on investment for companies. This is because customized structural packaging is a genuine expression of the company’s philosophies, which helps to further set the company apart from its competition in the minds of consumers.

Plus, new technological advances are making structural packaging more versatile and affordable than ever before.

Mistakes with Structural Packaging

Structural packaging is a wonderful option for storing, shipping, and displaying almost any type of product, but this is definitely not a one-size-fits-all solution. In fact, if you make one of the most common mistakes with structural packaging, the results can be disastrous.

You don’t want to be dealing with angry, frustrated customers who received broken products. That’s why it’s so important to work closely with a supplier that is experienced with designing all the details of structural packaging. By working with an expert, anyone can design structural packaging that meets all the necessary functional requirements and looks great at the same time.

Work with Mid-Atlantic Packaging when your company is ready to design customized structural packaging. It’s the number-one way to protect your products while also getting out the message about your company and its values.

Here are some of the most common structural packaging mistakes that you can avoid when you work with Mid-Atlantic Packaging.

1. The Packaging Isn’t Functional

Some companies spend so much time working on the aesthetics of their packaging that they neglect its functionality. Graphic design is critical to the success of your packaging, but it’s definitely not everything. It’s even more crucial that your packaging work the ways it’s supposed to. That means that it provides adequate protection to its contents.

When packaging isn’t functional, then the products inside are much more likely to break. However, that is not necessarily the only problem. For example, imagine that you want to design packaging that will be free-standing when it is placed on a shelf. Accomplishing this means that the base of the packaging must be precisely the right size to keep the product well-balanced and stable. Too often, the base ends up being too small or even too large. If this is the case, then the product will either fall over or needlessly sprawl over the display area so that fewer products can be displayed.

When you are designing new structural packaging, be certain to work with experts who can ensure that the finished product has precisely the functionality that you envision.

2. Offering Too Little Protection

It is imperative to remember that the primary function of any packaging is to protect what’s inside. The contents might be the most delicate porcelain figurines or a heavy dining room table made of real wood. Clearly, the structural packaging needs for these very different product categories are going to be dissimilar.

Packaging is meant to protect its contents from wear and tear as well as outright damage while it is in transit and while it is on display at the store. No matter how large or small, or how delicate or sturdy, the product is, the structural packaging must be tailor-made to protect it.

Why do companies choose packaging that doesn’t offer adequate protection? Usually, it’s because budgets are tight and they are trying to save money. Unfortunately, this approach nearly always backfires as product after product arrives damaged on store shelves. Spending a few pennies extra per piece on high-quality packaging is definitely the right way to go.

3. Assuming that Structural Packaging Is Simple

Some companies, especially those that are relatively new, seem to think that all packaging is the same. Executives in charge of areas like marketing and shipping might even believe that designing structural packaging is so easy that anyone can do it.

Sadly, this is not the case, and many new businesses learn too late that the freelancer they hired to design their structural packaging didn’t really understand the complexities and requirements. Now it’s necessary to go back to the drawing board with structural packaging experts who can craft packaging from the ground up considering all of the essential factors.

Keep in mind that designing structural packaging is a 3D project. Not every freelancer or smaller packaging firm has the technical capabilities or the experience that are required for arriving at a successful finished design that is functional and attractive.

If your company is ready to dive into custom structural packaging, make sure that you work with the experts at Mid-Atlantic Packaging.

4. Underestimating the Importance of Communication

Designing functional structural packaging is more complicated than most people realize. Accordingly, it is critical to leave the lines of communication open. Too many companies give a packaging design firm a few instructions and figure that nothing else is needed. After all, the packaging design firm is staffed by experts, right?

Not all packaging design firms are equally skilled and experienced. The really trustworthy designers are the ones that check in with the client at every stage of the process. They take care to provide the client with a range of available options so that their customer can make an informed decision. What’s more, the designer always welcomes ideas and suggestions from the client, and they’ll offer insightful input in return.

Beware of the packaging designer who simply takes the ball and runs with it without ever consulting you. One day, you’re presented with a finished product, but it probably won’t meet all of your specifications. Then begins the frustrating process of starting all over again, wasting a great deal of time and resources.

5. Asking a 2D Design Firm to Create 3D Packaging

As mentioned earlier, designing structural packaging is more complicated than most people realize. If you want the best possible results, then it is essential that you work with a company that is experienced with design in the 3D world.

The reality is that many designers, particularly those who freelance, are not particularly experienced when it comes to designing 3D packaging. Although they may be talented and accomplished designers, they may not have the right skill set for crafting structural packaging.

When it comes to designing structural packaging, 3D experience is critical. You want to ensure that the design process is as streamlined and smooth as possible, and that is just one more reason why it is sensible to work with experienced designers at Mid-Atlantic Packaging.

6. Failing to Differentiate the Design

Making one product stand out from the others on the shelf is a delicate and difficult process. You definitely want your packaging to look distinctly different when compared with that of the competition. What’s more, you want your packaging to convey your company’s vision as well as communicate the features and benefits of the product.

An experienced packaging designer can help you to avoid choosing packaging that is too generic or too similar to that used by your competition. With your assistance, making your products look attractive and distinctive is easier than you might imagine.

Custom Packaging Design with Mid-Atlantic Packaging

Well-designed structural packaging is:

  • Functional
  • Unique
  • Designed to protect your products.
  • More accessible than you might realize.

Are you ready to work with an experienced packaging designer at Mid-Atlantic Packaging? Start by visiting our custom packaging page from which you can request a quote.

Whether your project is large or small, Mid-Atlantic Packaging has the skills, experience, and resources that are needed to provide you with functional and attractive structural packaging.