
How to Choose the Right Custom Shopping Bag for Your Business

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

How to Choose the Right Custom Shopping Bag for Your Business

Once you’ve decided to order custom shopping bags for your business, you’ll likely have more than a few questions about which bags you should choose, how they should look, and how they can help take your store to the next level. The truth is, customized shopping bags are a great way to spread the word about your business, and should be seen as an integral part of your marketing plan! In fact, a recent study shows that packaging is the single largest influencer in a consumer’s buying decision…

  • 37% of consumers will buy a product based on packaging
  • 31% of consumers will buy a product based on online reviews
  • 31% of consumers will buy a product based on recommendations
  • 27% of consumers will buy a product based on TV ads

Clearly, choosing the right shopping bags is important. But how do you know you’re getting the right ones? Below, we’ve gathered a list of the “3 What’s” to ask yourself before you place an order for your store’s shopping bags.

What Is #1: What’s Your Product?

When considering how to customize your shopping bag, you’ve got to make sure the products themselves factor into your decision!

Are your customers likely to visit your store once a season, when something breaks, and buy one or two large heavy items? Then a customized reusable canvas bag, which is sturdy enough to hold products but also reusable so your name sticks in customers’ heads might be the best option.

Do your customers buy between five and ten items every visit, and are your products smaller, like cosmetics or food items? Then plastic bags may be your best bet.

If your store sells items that people are likely to give as gifts, then a brightly-printed paper bag tied with a bow in your store’s colors may save them the headache of gift wrap!

What Is #2: What’s Your Vibe?

bags_prismatic_euro_totes.jpgEveryone knows that building brand consistency is important – you need to use the same fonts, colors, and even sometimes language throughout your stores. If you’re focusing on branding, it’s easy to rely on standard custom shopping bags with logo prints – they’re undeniably effective. But within branding, make sure that you’re also considering your store’s “vibe” when creating your custom shopping bag.

For example, if you’re a spa sending clients home after a relaxing day, a bulky, red-and-white striped bag with huge neon green lettering may not exactly have the requisite calming effect. Instead, you might package spa goodies in an ultra-chic 3D Prismatic Euro Tote bag that’s easy for clients to stroll out with.

The same goes for a luxurious feel: if you’re a high-end boutique, should you really be using the same plastic bag your local grocer does?

Even the type of bag you use should be seen as an opportunity to further build up the kind of store you want to be.

What Is #3: What’s Your Budget?

When you hear the words “customized shopping bags,” you probably start thinking about how much it’s going to cost you right off the bat.

Yes, the level of customization and the type of bags you end up selecting will depend on your budget, but if you’re just starting out, you don’t need to sacrifice the look of your bags in order to save on the cost of them. Instead, consider what stage of business you’re at, and plan accordingly.

If you’re trying to get your name out there, printing your name and address on a less expensive bag may be more important than having the shiniest, most expensive option. You could go for a paper bag made from recycled materials to lower your cost, without having to sacrifice the customized branding!

If you’ve recently rebranded to include a higher-end feel, then people will likely be expecting your bags to get an update, too. It may be more important for you to purchase higher-quality bags with less customization if people already know who you are.

And don’t forget to think of shopping bags as a part of your advertising budget. Instead of spending that money on signs people may or may not see, why not spend it on creating the best shopping bag possible that your current customers will love and others will notice from across the street. You’ve got this, well…in the bag!

It’s true that there’s a lot to consider when figuring out what you want your custom shopping bags to look like – but there doesn’t need to be any guesswork involved. Just make sure you’ve taken into consideration your market, your brand, and your products when choosing your design and what kind of bag best suits your needs. And as always, keep checking back for more tips and tricks from our industry insiders that can help give you an edge on the local and national competition.