
How to Get a Direct ROI by Showcasing Packaging in Your Ads

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

How to Get a Direct ROI by Showcasing Packaging in Your Ads

Packaging a product is almost as important as the product itself. The eye has to relate to the contents and brand. Choosing an easily recognized and attractive form of packaging will enhance a consumer to buy a product. It is not only the looks alone that trigger the brain to accept the ingredients. Here are some showcasing tips that manufacturers spend months in creating just to have the right balance in presenting their brand.

There was once a time when commercials and signs were diehard recognitions of products. However, brands are not as important as what has transposed inside of a package. People remember what they like and if people are looking for a specific item, your packaging is what’s going to them regardless of the retail location. Brands that are flexible with packaging, are able to communicate their values and the qualities that make their products outstanding. Now more than ever, a supplier can be your best friend in showing off the best that you have to offer with packaging.

Make your Packaging Functional

Budgets for packaging a product are never cheap. There is that fine line between cheap and functional with the material used. Consider a cereal box, for instance. All boxes may look alike on the shelf, but when you pick one up and it crinkles in your hand, you know little value has been placed on the packaging or the contents. A cheap printing job almost appears that a box has been sitting on the shelf for years. The first thing you think of is stale contents. While you don’t have to have a designer package, being functional and quality-enhanced is important.

Elements of Great Packaging

Packaging materials say a lot about who you are. Keeping your product protected against the cruel trip to your home proves that this company cares about how their product arrives. There are three major forms of material that are used in shipping and delivery include:

  • Thin board is sometimes used to keep multiple boxes together. There may also be paper or plastic packing inside to further ensure safety.
  • Corrugated cases are not as durable as boards but create a safe environment for packing items securely. Some may have a waxy exterior to prevent dampness from seeping in while others may be thick and sturdy.
  • Metal may be aluminum-based or tin-plated for keeping foods stable and protected. Biscuits, drinks, and aerosol cans are a few examples of metal containers.
  • Glass provides the best protection against sun rays, outdoor elements, and a clean and clear cover. Items such as drinks, syrups, and spices bring a sense of satisfaction to customers in this type of disinfected packaging.

Artwork and Colors

Different colors affect the brain in a variety of ways. For instance, white makes an association with purity and simplicity. Light blue has a happy note, while dark blue is seen as professional. However, too many colors can be confusing and less attractive to the mind. Finding that perfect balance is an art that a good marketer is able to achieve.

Catching the attention of shoppers often has to do with the brand that is associated with the colors used. However, special promotions or holiday greetings may bring a new look to old favorites with a similarity attached. New shapes, colors, or textures can be used to introduce a brand to a limited form of packaging.
Keep the Momento of Packaging Alive

Memorable and Inspiring Packaging

Few people remember a product that is wrapped in plain wrapping. Fancy lettering improves the experience, but pictures are worth a thousand words. It can be an emoji typeface or a scene that reminds you of the enclosed product. Keep it simple and pleasing to leave an impression of what is arriving. Customers will begin to look for this symbol.

Everyday life or Insta-Worthy Inspiration photos are one of the most popular attractions in today’s society.

Surprise Packaging

Opening your package can be exciting, but even more thrilling when there is a surprise hidden inside. This could be a coupon, entry into a sweepstake, or a small token of appreciation. A little act of kindness goes a long way when making a sale. This can also give you the opportunity to do a little cross-promotion with other brands or companies within your brand name. For instance, a new flavor of tea that has just been manufactured could be found with your regular package of tea or coffee. Always think of future sales and what consumers like.

Convenient Packaging

Packaging should be secure but not overly so. Packaging should be simple to open and reclose if needed. Trying to get into a package should not be so difficult that the contents will have to be transferred to a more stable air-tight container.

Social Media Promotion

Media promotions that lend a personal story are worth using. Think of examples of how your product best serves communities and families. Turn these thoughts into a real-life scenario, or better yet, use a consumer to tell their story. People can relate to circumstances that they could be in and they will leave a lasting impression on them.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags give you an advantage over competitors by giving customers a quick glimpse into your present and future brands and news. Blogs and articles are easier to find when lured by hashtags.

Buzz Words that are Important

Certain words and phrases stand out when searching for your favorite brand.

  • New and improved
  • Made of Recycled Material
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Chemical-free

Anytime words along these lines can be used accurately, the consumer will sit up and take notice.

Green Packaging

Using recyclable packaging is always a plus when leading people to your product. Everyone wants to do their part in saving the earth and using recyclable materials makes them feel like they are part of the game. Recyclable products have improved over the past few years and come in different textures and durable packaging. Everyone has gotten into the green game and prices have decreased to compensate for the new need. If there is a story to tell about how your packaging saves in materials, be sure and share it.

Limited Time Only

The excitement of trying a new product or being able to get a token is always a great way to draw the attention of the public. Whether it is a new flavor, a new color, or a new scent, you have a great test group of consumers to try it out on. Mew packaging to match the new concept can also become part of your marketing plan. Use this plan for holidays, change of seasons, or whenever you have a new angle on your brand.

Don’t overthink your packaging ideas to the point that they are gaudy and inappropriate. Simple is better instead of confusing the mind with too much to take in. Sometimes a streamlined container will stand out more than one with lots of frills. By keeping it simple and designing product packaging that carries a lower profile than that of your competitors, you can actually help it stand out from the rest of the competition!

When choosing the right packaging strategy for your product, remember that you must choose something that will speak to your audience and cause them to select your brand over others on the market. The more you know about your chief consumers, the more you will be able to make informed packaging decisions based on what matters most to them, Use your core brand values and know your audience. Never try to change your audience by presenting something new. Your original crowd will never forgive you. Feed them what they want and they will never let you down in sales.