
Is Jute Eco Friendly?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Is Jute Eco Friendly?

One of the most pertinent questions these days is whether to invest in reusable grocery bags and what is a viable replacement. Should you be using plastic or synthetic materials? Or should you opt to use more natural materials, like canvas, cotton, or jute? Cutting down on plastic bags is a wise choice, no matter how you choose to go about it, but if you are going to make a greener switch, choose something like cotton, canvas, or jute.

Which one is the most eco-friendly, you ask? Jute, most definitely! Keep reading to find out why jute tote bags are an affordable and environmentally-friendly option for you to consider.

What Is Jute?

What Is Jute?

Jute refers to both the plant and the material that is woven from the plant’s fibers. The jute plant is native to India, herbaceous, and grows between 10-12 feet in height, with 4-6 inch long longs. It also sprouts yellow flowers. Jute fibers are harvested from the core of the stalk, beneath the bark.

What Can Jute Be Used For?

Jute has many applications. The versatility of the natural fibers makes jute an ideal substitute for cotton, especially because it is cheaper to produce and takes less time to grow. Jute sacks can be used to wrap bales of cotton. Jute can also be found it prayer rugs, mats, furniture, twine, and even clothing. However, jute can be rather coarse, and so most clothing items are high-end and highly refined to make the threads much softer.

Is Jute Eco-Friendly?

Jute is infinitely more eco-friendly than plastic bags—and synthetic ones, too. One reusable bag made from a natural fiber can eliminate several hundred plastic bags. After all, across the globe, there are about 1 trillion plastic bags being used annually. Since most plastic bags are single-use, that means they end up in the landfill or the ocean, where those bags can take 500 years or more to disintegrate, all the while contaminating the earth and water.

Compared to other fibers, jute is sustainable and eco-friendly. The cost of production, paired with the minimal effects the crop has on surrounding land, make it a wise choice over plastic.

What Are The Benefits of Using Jute For Tote Bags?

As mentioned, jute is eco-friendly and something to consider when you are shopping around for tote bags made of natural fiber. Here are some reasons why you should use more jute:

Minimal Resources Required

Raising jute is a very easy process. As a natural plant, it can be grown and harvested repeatedly and uses very little water in the process. In fact, jute can be grown year-round and reaches maturity in about 6 months. Compare that to wood and other crops and you will see that jute uses less water while taking up less space and less time.

Since jute is raised in India, Bangladesh, and other humid regions, it doesn’t require much irrigation either. Jute is primarily rain-fed. Only 500 mm of water is needed to help it take root. After the initial period of sowing, it only needs water once every 15 days or so.

Biodegradable and Recyclable

Jute will degrade naturally in 1-2 years. The plants are compostable, as well. This means that disposing of withered crops or even manufactured jute goods will not impact the environment terribly. Scraps can be added to compost, assisting with organic fertilization. If you want to reuse your jute items, you can. Jute is highly durable, reusable, and recyclable. Even if your burlap and jute sacks rip, you can patch them up. But that’s assuming a jute bag would rip!

Cleans The Air and Soil

As you may have figured, jute has an incredibly low carbon footprint. Not only does it rapidly grow, but it has a high carbon dioxide assimilation rate. In other words, it will consume impressive amounts of CO2 while churning out oxygen in exchange, thus counteracting the greenhouse effect. In fact, a single hectare (2.47 acres) of jute plants can consume 15 tons of CO2 and release 11 tons of O2 within 100 days. Another study also found that jute can assimilate CO2 several times faster than trees.

Interestingly, jute does more than clean the air. It can enhance the soil, too. When jute is involved in crop rotation, it can improve the nutrient profile in the ground, thus enhancing agricultural production.

Other Considerations About Jute

Here is another reason jute is eco-friendly: It requires little to no fertilizer or pesticides to grow. In fact, most jute farmers use nothing at all on their plants. When you compare that to cotton, you soon realize that jute is much cleaner. This also means that fewer chemicals from herbicides and pesticides are running off into the soil and water.


Jute is an incredible plant with a plethora of uses that are far more sustainable than cotton. The durability of a good jute bag is something you can rely upon for carrying groceries, books, and other goods. Not only that, but jute is eco-friendly. It requires little water to grow, doesn’t need pesticides or fertilizer, and can contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment. If you are looking for the perfect material for promotional bags or reusable totes, then jute is worth your consideration!

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