
Social Media Relationships: The Clichés that Actually Make Sense to the Marketing World

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Social Media Relationships: The Clichés that Actually Make Sense to the Marketing World

Getting your brand and all its glory in front of hundreds of people is daunting. How is your target audience ever going to know that you even exist on social media? And when they do know, how are you going to get them engaged and keep them interested on everything you have to offer? How do you get your fans to stick with you and avoid the follow-dump breakup? You did nothing wrong! Or did you? Marketing on social media is like maintaining a relationship. You need to know when you’re sinking, when you’re flying, when to back off and when to bring the heat! We can’t promise you won’t endure heartbreak if you follow these 4 relationship clichés, because after all, people are confusing! But we can promise your social relationships will skyrocket!

#1: Know When to Post

“It’s all about timing.” You’ve heard that before when you’re over for holiday gatherings and your relatives are constantly asking who you’re seeing. As annoying as they are, and as annoying as it is to get that repetitive phrase slammed at you no matter where you try to hide at parties, there is truth to it. Just like there’s truth to timing and social media. If you’re posting at times you’re followers aren’t on site, then you’re wasting your time. You have to know exactly when to post to get the most action on your posts. How do you do this? It may be trial and error when you’re first starting out. If you’re getting more likes when you’re posting your first post of the day at 8am, than you do when you first post at noon, take into consideration posting at 8am going further. It all depends on what your followers like when wanting to get the most ideal results.

#2: Know What to Post

“Opposites attract!” We know you’ve heard this one before and it usually comes with someone rolling their eyes (I’m definitely guilty there!) And sometimes there is some truth behind that. But in terms of social media, this can be tricky. You want to post on topics that are relevant to your company. You need to give your target audience a reason to follow you; keep them interested and engaged. If you’re a boutique, you’d be losing fans if you posted about sports or make up tutorials on your social. BUT you could expand your target audience with a nontraditional post. Imagine this: What if you captioned your photo with: “Ribbons aren’t just for packaging! The new ribbon hairstyles trending in today’s fashion world!” Whoa. By combining two completely different industries, not only are you keeping your audience engaged, but you’re also drawing in more followers. Be creative and dive in! Because after all, opposites attract, right? (yuck!)

#3: Hashtag Everything!

“Actions speak louder than words.” And hashtags are a prime example of this overused cliché! There’s no such thing as “too many” hashtags. Just kidding. There definitely is if you’re using them the wrong way. Hashtags on social is crucial for SEO purposes, but also, to rack up those followers. Hashtag everything that relates to your post, but make sure it’s recognizable. Instagram makes this easy- when you add the hashtag and type the word, you’ll see how many posts already have that hashtag. Some followers find you based off your hashtags so don’t be afraid to use them! Also, if you have some social accounts already created, make sure you promote your new accounts on there to let people know you exist on other accounts as well! The words in your caption mean nothing unless you’re using them the right way, and promoting it as much as possible.

#4: If you’ve got it, flaunt it

“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff!” Hey, we all do it sometimes, but when it comes to social media, don’t sweat it! If you have some small “stuff” you can give away for contests or giveaways, do it! Do not hold back on your devoted fans! Do whatever is in your budget to give away FREE stuff! We all love anything that’s free and trust us, your users will too! Make it clear that they have to follow your page to have a chance at winning. You’ll see those follower numbers rack up. But don’t be surprised if some “follow” and dump. Some followers will like your page to be entered and then unfollow you! (Gasp! That’s so rude!) Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about that, so again, don’t sweat it! Give them what they want to see, and get the followers in return; it’s a win-win!

If you’re ready to see what custom can do for your brand, we make it easy to order online or you can give one of our custom packaging specialists a call today (800-203-5558). We hope to be able to feature you as a happy customer sometime soon.
