
Target Audience 101: Who are They and What Does that Mean for You?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Target Audience 101: Who are They and What Does that Mean for You?

How well do you know your target audience? Do you know how to discover who your main groupies are made up of? What makes up a target audience and why should you care anyways? Knowing who your target audience is can be crucial to becoming a social media junkie for your business.

Target Audience Predictions

Chances are you probably have a small idea of who is following you on social and who’s buying your products. Do more males or females visit your site? Are you popular in the young crowd or is it the baby boomers who are constantly hitting you up? What do they do for a living? What’s their education, demographic, occupation? What is it their doing in their daily lives that keep having them come back to your site and buying your products? If you don’t know this: you should.

Target Audience Facts

There’s a couple different ways you can get your target audience to confirm who they are, but it isn’t always easy. The most tedious way is doing research (ugh…we feel your pain, trust us!); It may not be the most fun, but it could be extremely beneficial. If you have social sites, take a peek at who your followers are; it doesn’t take much time to decipher if a majority of your groupies are of the same gender or age. Just scrolling through the follower list can give you a solid foundation. But, an even better way to get precise and accurate info about your fans is to have them answer your questions for you. SurveyMonkey is a great tool to use to get the info you’re desperate for; ask them for their age, gender, income, job, whatever you need to make more targeted sales…and of course, make the submissions anonymous.

No More Guessing Games

Chances are you’ll be using the proper lingo in your social posts for the target group you’re representing. If you’re cool among the young crowd, then acronyms, a billion exclamation points, and emojis are the ways to go! But, if an older crowd is chasing after you, be careful with your language. They may get confused if you take your totes rad vocab to the extreme (do people still even say “totes?!”) Keep it simple and don’t try to sound “cool” if what you’re selling doesn’t really need the hip language. You’ll annoy your followers fast and they’ll be even quicker to leave you.

Scope out the Competition

If there are companies out there that are similar to yours, scope them out! What type of following base do they have? Not only will this help you determine if your target audience is similar, but it will also give you a leg up on the competition; You can figure out small ways to extend your target audience to a group that your competition isn’t targeting.
