
The Importance of Box Samples: See What Your Customer Will See

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

The Importance of Box Samples: See What Your Customer Will See

Sample before you commit! This is truly the golden rule of placing a custom packaging order. It even applies when you’re working with a reputable, competent packaging manufacturer to bring your concepts to life. A packaging sample is simply the best way to experience what your product will look like in its “final form.” Samples make it possible for brands to experience what their customers will experience before doing the final sign-off on a design. The fact that packaging leaves an irrevocable mark on a customer’s psyche truly makes intentional packaging important.

The truth is that expectations can be hard to gauge without a tangible finished product. Box samples allow you to see your packaging just as your customers will see it as part of a “sneak preview.” The best part is that brands can get back to the drawing board for tweaks if the delivered product doesn’t match expectations before a bulk order is created. Dive a little deeper into why ordering a custom packaging sample is so important.

The Beauty of a Prototype

The process of designing custom packaging can often feel disjointed. You may begin the process by receiving samples of different packaging materials. While this portion of the process provides a tangible interaction with some of the elements of your future packaging, you’re only getting a part of the picture in your hands. Next, the phase of looking at models of prototypes on your screen begins. The focus here is really on establishing details like dimensions, functionality, and materials. It’s then time to choose features related to things like security, durability, and the customer “unboxing” experience. This is also the time to discuss things like finishes and coatings to make boxes more attractive while also enhancing their ruggedness. Finally, the art and text are finalized for packages.

It’s easy to get so caught up in making the right choices that a brand manager loses perspective on the “holistic” aspect of box design. This is why it’s important to make sure that all of the “great pieces” actually come together to make an incredible “whole.” It’s only possible to see how all of the different elements come together by holding the finished product in your hands.

What to Expect When Receiving a Custom Packaging Sample

A custom packing sample won’t necessarily have a perfectly polished finish. The focus is really on the materials and build. In fact, most packaging vendors refer to custom box samples as “structural samples.” Here’s when requesting a custom packaging sample is essential:

  • You’re placing your order with a supplier for the first time. It’s important to verify quality, shared understanding of the goal and a vendor’s competency for providing the materials, build and quality level needed.
  • You’re placing an extremely large order. When doing a bulk order for a full season’s worth of products, getting it right the first time is essential to avoid losses, sales delays and other pitfalls.
  • Your packaging design is highly complex. If you’re doing a one-of-a-kind packaging design as a way to establish your branding signature, it’s important to request a sample due to the fact that the supplier may not have experience with the structure you’re requesting.
  • You’re designing packaging for a product with unconventional dimensions. When designing for an “irregular” product, it’s vital that you have an opportunity to place the product in its intended packaging before finalizing an order.

A packaging supplier should not have any objections to providing a custom box sample. Ultimately, a packaging company with confidence in its ability to deliver custom-order boxes that meet a client’s needs will be more than happy to provide this service to you. Reluctance to provide samples prior to production should be considered a red flag.

Are All Custom Packaging Samples Blank?

The standard for custom packaging samples is for packaging vendors to send them without any artwork, text, or design elements. However, brands don’t necessarily have to be stuck with a blank slate if they are asking for complex designs that truly need to be vetted in person before they can be approved for production. Packaging vendors refer to custom box samples that focus on build, materials, and design as pre-production samples. Ideally, a pre-production sample will be a full-scale finished version of the box that your company is ordering. It will even have the special coatings and finishes that you’ve ordered.

What Should a Pre-Production Sample Include?

This is something that each brand needs to discuss with the packaging supplier handling the job. The final details of what you receive as part of your sample will really come down to what you think you need to see to be satisfied with your purchasing decision. What should be included?

Exterior packaging is usually a big point of interest for brands developing custom packaging because it’s the first element that a customer will come into contact with during the buying experience. While exterior packaging is the default product packaging for products sold in retail stores, your sample needs could expand to shipping boxes if you ship directly to customers. Interior packaging is also important. This includes all of the components that keep your product safe within the exterior packaging.

Interior packaging usually refers to the “packing” materials that will serve as buffers for your product. This includes things like shredded kraft paper, tissue paper, packing peanuts, and more. It will be very important to ensure that the options you’ve selected for packing materials don’t convey an impression of waste because research shows that customers are increasingly turning their loyalty away from “wasteful” brands as part of a trend toward eco-friendly shopping. Using “just the right amount” of packing materials can help to boost customer loyalty. By contrast, leaving your customers with a mess to clean up after improperly estimating packing needs can actually cause customers to feel resentment toward your brand!

What Should You Do Once You Get a Custom Box Sample?

It really takes a team effort to vet a custom box sample after it’s delivered. Anyone who has a hand in product development, marketing, design, and packaging engineering on your team should be given an opportunity to interact with the sample. Here are the key points to cover when measuring how successful the sample is at achieving your brand goals:

  • Are the dimensions accurate? Don’t be afraid to physically measure the box to ensure that the size is what’s on the price quote.
  • Is the fit what you intended?
  • What is the quality level? Examine how the product looks, sits and feels in your hands. Is interacting with it a smooth, enjoyable process?
  • Does the way the product fits in the packaging create an intuitive, satisfying unboxing experience for the customer?
  • Does the design look just as you intended? Can you spot any areas where the concept didn’t translate flawlessly to real life?
  • Are there any subtle flaws that ruin the harmony of the packaging?
  • Does the packaging appear to be stable enough to withstand wear and tear?
  • Is there any new addition or change that would enhance what’s already been produced?

This should be a time for collecting feedback from within your team. Criticism of the sample is not a criticism of the concept. This should be considered a “last call” to correct any mistakes that take away from the value of a product before the investment is made.

Discuss Your Packaging Needs With a Team of Production Professionals

At Mid-Atlantic Packaging, we understand that ordering packaging for your product is a big investment. No brand should be forced to simply put their faith in packaging suppliers. That’s why our team works with our clients every step of the way to bring custom packaging to fruition. Rest assured that we’ll provide you with the custom box samples needed to create confidence in the finished product you’re sending out into the world. Of course, getting a concrete sample in your hands is only possible when you have a team listening to your needs from the first step of the process. Contact Mid-Atlantic Packaging today for your custom packaging quote.