
What is Retail Packaging and Why Do I Need it to Grow My Business?

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

What is Retail Packaging and Why Do I Need it to Grow My Business?

When customers decide to head to a brick-and-mortar store as opposed to finding something online, chances are their decision has a lot to do with how much they enjoy and value the in-store experience.

There’s something about being able to walk into a store, see all the merchandise in person, actually hold it in your hands, test it out, or try it on, as opposed to the scroll-click-hope-for-the-best experience you get when shopping online.

But even if you’re ordering online, getting that delivery, and the anticipation of opening the box is not all that different than walking out of a store with your purchase in hand. Everyone wants to hold a branded, beautiful bag or box from the store they love. Don’t you want your customers to love your packaging? After all:

  • Customers may carry your packaging around town, showing it off.
  • They might use your packaging for lunch the next day.
  • Maybe they even take a picture of your bag and upload it to their social media accounts.

Think none of this matters? Think again! 3 out of 10 consumers surveyed in a recent study responded that they had discovered a brand after seeing someone carrying custom packaging in public!

Here’s the deal. Creative and brand-consistent retail packaging simply pays for itself.

What Is Retail Packaging?

what_is_reatil_packaging.jpgRetail packaging is how you wrap, box, or bag your merchandise up for your customer. And when customers potentially spend weeks saving up for something special from your store, what could be better than making them feel like they’re really appreciated, like they matter to your business? Retail shopping bags can help you communicate that you truly do care about both your customers and your products.

Think about it: If the new dress you just bought comes in the same bag as the 99-cent purple onion from your local vegetable stand, you’re not going to feel as special buying it. And if you’re a shop owner tossing your artisan jewelry into a cheap, shabby plastic bag? Well, your clients may start to think that perhaps what you’re selling isn’t so fabulous after all. The worse impression of all? Your packaging may be conveying a subliminal message that your business must not be doing very well. True or not, the damage could be done.

Making Your Bags Work for You, for Less

Most small business owners know that retail packaging can really elevate a brand in the eyes of both current and potential customers. And the really smart ones know that you can also use custom retail packaging to help promote your business, minimizing excess advertising costs.

Retail packaging really allows you to both control and promote the message of your brand.

Picture your average shopping bag. Think about how much blank space there usually is. What if you maximized all the empty space on that bag with text, images, or even fun designs that could help start conversations about the message of your store and its merchandise?

Not quite sure what you would say on your bag? We’ve seen some great ideas:

  • Tell the story of how your brand got started. Everyone loves a feel-good personal “where we came from”
  • Offer tips and tricks about how to best enjoy your products. For example, if you’re a wine company, why not print a recipe for a dish that pairs perfectly with your best Cabernet on your kraft wine shoppers? If you’re a sporting goods store, you could print diagrams for stretches or tips about working out on your bags.
  • Include social media hashtags on your retail shopping bags and other packaging products. That way, you can more easily find customer feedback while simultaneously encouraging your clients to post and upload their own photos and promote your brand.

The possibilities are endless. But don’t worry, if you’ve don’t consider yourself the most creative type, there are many designers available to help you come up with the perfect idea for your custom retail packaging.

Now that you know more about the importance of custom retail packaging, it’s time you get started creating some ideas of your own. Feeling stuck? Reach out to your creative friends or hire a freelance designer or marketing consultant to give you that extra dose of inspiration – and keep checking our blog for more helpful hints!