
When They Pin, You Win: Ways Pinterest Can Promote Your Small Business

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

When They Pin, You Win: Ways Pinterest Can Promote Your Small Business

Social Media is constantly growing and will continue to change from here on out. There’s no way of stopping it. Many businesses already know how to use social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to boost their business and get their brand out there fast. But there’s one social media platform that tends to slip through the cracks: Pinterest. Millions of individuals throughout the world use it, but how many businesses actually use it to their advantage? Far less than there should be; which could be a bonus for you! If you get started on the Pinterest world for your business right now, you can only go up from here.

They Pin it, You Track it

Just like you’re already doing on your Facebook and Instagram business accounts, you can also track and analyze data from your Pinterest account. You can see what your target audience is interested in and what pages you want more traffic on. There’s not much to learn here if you’re already tracking traffic and engagements on other social media platforms.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Small businesses tend to think that adding another social platform is going to cause more work, and that’s not entirely false, but it certainly is an exaggeration, especially when it comes to Pinterest. Most of the work you are already doing to promote your business is only going to transfer over to your Pinterest account. For example, if you have an account, you can insert a “Pin it” button on your website! If you’re selling specific products, users can pin that product to their personal profiles. Now everyone who follows that user is getting eyes on your product. And what did you do? Barely anything. The product page was already on your website, all you needed to do was gain access to adding the “pin it” button, and voila! You’re business is famous. Well not really, but hey you’re getting more attention than you were before!

Branch Out

The more you give, the more you’ll get. Once your Pinterest is up and running, don’t focus too much on only promoting your business. Even though increased brand awareness is the end goal, your attention needs to be on other companies like yours that has a similar target audience. It sounds crazy, but you should be pinning their products too and leaving thoughtful comments. Not only is it showing support when you’re at the same competitive level, you’re getting their audience to see what you’re doing. So not only is your audience seeing the awesome post you just pinned, but so is the audience of your competitor.

Pin Away

If you already have a personal profile on Pinterest, you know how easy it is to keep pinning. You’ve told yourself a million times, “Just one more page,” and 35 pins later you finally force yourself to turn off the app and get some sleep. It’s addicting and it’s fun. So don’t lose sight of that when you make an account for your business. Have fun and build up your boards so that your audience has content to view; but there’s a catch. You need to be smart about what you’re pinning. It wouldn’t make since for you to be in the boutique business and pin tips and tricks to have long lasting make up. Sure, you might have posted that on your personal account, but if users are visiting your page, they want to see you’re posting thoughtful and helpful posts that will be useful to them. And just as you would your personal Pinterest, make sure you follow other businesses. It can’t hurt to rack up those followers and help other businesses do the same, because at the end of the day, your brand name is still being shown to newer audiences.

There’s so many more ways that you can utilize Pinterest to help create brand awareness. Follow these steps to start and then be on the lookout for our second article on this topic!
