
Benefits of an Annual Packaging Audit

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 19th Jul 2022

Benefits of an Annual Packaging Audit

With each year, you have an opportunity to evaluate the state of your business. Have you met last year's goals? Are there new goals to pursue? What about costs? Perhaps some of them are getting out of control.

If you're taking some time to evaluate goals for your brand and looking for ways to keep costs in line, then it may be time for a packaging audit.

In fact, many industry experts recommend conducting packaging audits on an annual basis. Doing so can give your brand massive benefits.

This may be the first time you've ever heard of a packaging audit. If so, you've come to the right place. Mid-Atlantic Packaging is here to help you learn about what a packaging audit is and how it can benefit your business.

Essentially, a packaging audit is a system for identifying and analyzing your packaging. The goal simply is to identify the parts of your company's packaging that are performing well and those that could be improved. An audit also provides an opportunity to potentially decrease costs and maximize efficiency.

What Are the Benefits of a Packaging Audit?

Annual packaging audits can contribute to the success of your venture. Here are a few of the benefits you can expect:

  • It's an opportunity to focus on and evaluate your core business
  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your brand
  • Discover alternative solutions
  • Uncover new innovations that could increase sales
  • Locate and slash hidden costs
  • Place greater emphasis on sustainability

With so many benefits to be gained, it's no surprise that experts from the packaging industry believe that it is wise to make packaging audits part of your company's standard annual practices.

Let's learn more about how packaging audits work.

Performing a Packaging Audit

One basic component of any packaging audit is to review the current packaging being used by your brand. You're seeking to answer questions such as whether or not that packaging is as effective as it could be.

Of course, the basic function of your packaging is to protect your products when they are shipped, but it can serve numerous other purposes. The more thoughtfully designed your packaging choices are, the better they are able to serve all of these purposes.

For instance, custom packaging can:

  • Identify your brand
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Act as a powerful marketing tool
  • Communicate essential information about your brand's personality and values

With regular packaging audits, it is possible to ensure that your packaging is meeting all of these and other needs. Everything including the colors, logos, fonts, materials, packaging configurations, and more can contribute to the effectiveness of your packaging.

Let's examine what you might want to look for during your packaging audit.

1. How Visible Are Your Brand's Logo and Colors on the Packaging?

The primary reason for designing custom packaging is that it provides you with an opportunity to highlight your brand's identity. Remember that your packaging frequently is your customer's firsttouchpoint. Custom packaging ideally lets your customer know a great deal more about your brand.

This means that it is wise to make your brand's colors and logo highly visible on your packaging. Emphasizing these items will work toward building brand recognition and loyalty. Also, when your logo and colors are used on packaging, it's easier for consumers to make connections between the packaging, the products, and other brand channels such as social media, the company website, and the boxes or bags that actually contain the products.

2. Are Your Colors, Logo, and Icon Repeated on Different Layers?

Research indicates that between five and seven interactions are needed before consumers begin recognizing a brand. This means that the more you repeat things like your brand's logo, icon, and colors on your packaging, the more memorable it will prove.

Accordingly, you'll want to place these items on exterior packaging like mailers and boxes as well as on interior packaging. Consider options such as custom tissue paper, cards, tape, stickers, and more.

3. Does your packaging reflect your brand's unique personality and values?

Have you ever noticed that a lot of eCommerce packaging looks alike? That's because many brands simply go the generic route with their packaging.

Guess what? Those brands are missing out on a valuable opportunity to promote themselves and their values.

You definitely want your packaging to stand out from the crowd, and one of the most effective ways to do this is to ensure that your brand's personality is clearly communicated right on the box or mailer.

As an example, if you have carefully selected eco-friendly materials for your packaging, make certain that this is communicated on the packaging itself. This lets the public know more about your brand's values.

Do you consider your business to be one that's fun and playful? If so, then you may want to design packaging that takes advantage of a bold color palette and creatively illustrated designs.

Remember that typography, colors, and patterns all can play roles in enhancing the personality of your packaging.

4. Is Your Packaging Custom Enough to Immediately Communicate its source to customers?

Don't leave your customers wondering who sent them a package. With custom designs, your boxes and mailers can immediately communicate your brand's identity. Custom packaging is the perfect means of putting your brand at the forefront of the customer's mind as soon as they pick up your package. This can be done with a small touch like a custom sticker or stamp, or you could go big with a box that is custom-designed with special touches from the ground up.

5. Is Your Packaging Designed to Provide a Memorable Unboxing Experience?

Pictures and videos on social media of people opening long-anticipated packages frequently go viral. That's the kind of free publicity that you definitely want for your brand.

Has any of your packaging been the subject of an unboxing video? If not, then it's time to step up your packaging game. Consider adding a card with step-by-step instructions for getting the best photos for posting on Instagram or placing a bold call to action right on the outside of the box. Make certain to include custom boxes, tissue paper, and other touches to make the experience photogenic from beginning to end.

6. What is Your Packaging Made Of?

Consumers today love companies that are dedicated to preserving the environment. Accordingly, if your brand is still using non-circular material, such as virgin plastic, then it's time to consider an update.

Most brands are switching to packaging that is composed of circular materials. That is, it is wise to change to any kind of packaging material that is reusable, recyclable, or compostable.

Don't forget that the packaging you choose is a direct reflection of your brand's values. When you use materials that are unsustainable, it communicates to the customer that your company isn't concerned about its impact on the environment.

If you want to transform the public from customers into advocates for your brand, then it's wise to make certain that your packaging is as sustainable as possible. This shows your willingness to take responsibility for the waste that your business naturally creates.

7. Are you including personal touches with each order?

Wise entrepreneurs have learned that small, personal touches in each package can go a long way toward fostering brand loyalty. Something as simple as a welcome note for a first order or a thank you card can make a world of difference. Other personal touches you might consider include a freebie, a sample, or a discount code.

8. Does Your Packaging Remind Customers Where to Find You Online?

Customers enjoy being able to reach out online to the brands they love. Accordingly, it's sensible to include things like your brand's website and social media handles right on your packaging. A QR code can be a helpful touch as well. Savvy entrepreneurs include all of the above.

Think of your custom packaging as a connection between the customer and your brand. The easier you make it for them to reach out to you, the more likely they are to do so.

Packaging Audits Are Just the Beginning

Once you have examined all of these aspects of your packaging, you'll know a great deal more about where you stand. Is your packaging living up to its promise, or is it time for an upgrade?

Maybe you're just in the market for a packaging supplier that better understands the needs of your business. If any of these describe you, then it's time to get in touch with Mid-Atlantic Packaging for a custom packaging quote.