
Packaging for Millennials: What You Need To Consider

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Packaging for Millennials: What You Need To Consider

Presently, millennials have the greatest buying power out of every age group across the globe. About a quarter of the global population is made up of millennials, and most of these individuals dwell in regions with strong economics and influence. But millennials are unlike the previous generations in more ways than one, and that means they are changing the way business is conducted.

If you have a business, you are obviously going to want to win over millennials with your marketing and packaging strategies. Let’s have a look at millennial buying trends and how it effects packing design.

Millennial Packing Design Tips To Consider

One thing to keep in mind when looking to packaging design for millennials is that the generation does not have the same mindset as previous consumer groups. The idea that “bigger is better,” doesn’t resonate with them. Taglines and false promises are going to turn them off. That is why you will notice that every point to consider emanates the idea of transparency, honesty, and cost-effectiveness.

Make It Personal and Authentic

Millennials want to invest in brands that seem real and personable. Millennials crave authenticity in a world where nearly everything has been digitized. Even if you don’t have a physical storefront where you can meet your millennial customers, you want to show through your packaging and social engagement that you are authentic and respectable.

For example, if you are sourcing organic products, then you should also showcase your company’s values through sustainable packaging and getting certifications from well-known organizations, like the Non-GMO Project or the USDA.

Also, this means aligning with your mission and brand identity to create packaging that speaks for you. Give it personality. Don’t aim for cookie-cutter representation.

Reflect Values and Interests

A recent Nielsen study found that 3 out of every 4 millennials would happily pay more for a product if it used sustainable packaging. Other research states that millennials opt for eco-friendly products and are active in seeking out information pertaining to a company’s sustainable practices. They expect brands to use less packaging, create less waste, and assist with recycling and upcycling. What does this mean?

It means that millennials (and even Gen Z) are looking for brands that reflect their personal interests and values. What are some values of the millennial generation? Convenience paired with functionality, for one. Think of ways to package your items that reduce unwrapping time, for example. This would play into instant gratification. Or add to perceived value by including QR codes with discounts. Consider how social media can influence buying and think of ways packaging can become a fun, immersive experience to be shared.

After all, millennials are still young and energetic. They want brands that are just as innovative and playful as they are. A touch of whimsy can go a long way with this generation of consumers.


Millennials are far more concerned about social issues like the environment, climate change, and public education than their parents or grandparents. Because of this, it was found that 70-percent of millennials are more likely to make a purchase from brands that handle social issues well. Millennials believe that, while businesses alone cannot make an impact on social issues, their buying habits can sway how businesses use their financial and technical resources to alleviate certain issues society faces. Millennials as a whole have also changed their consumer habits to reduce their carbon footprint.

For businesses, this means showing concern for the environment by coming up with sustainable packaging. You must transform into a company that is focused on eco-friendly designs and packages your products responsibly. According to the Sustainable Packing Coalition (SPC), this means doing the following:

  • Creating packaging that is safe and healthy for people throughout its cycle of use
    • Having packaging that is sourced, produced, transported, and recycled with renewable energy
    • Using environmentally-friendly production technology and ethical practices
    • Optimizing energy and material utilization
  • While this might sound like a big step for your business, you can gain more attention and repute by making small changes towards sustainability.

    Limited Edition Styles

    You may have noticed that millennial culture can be a bit paradoxical. Not only do they want to be responsible consumers, they also keep their eyes on the next big technological advancement or the next fad. That is why limited editions are so appealing to the millennial age group. Exclusivity offers up a feeling of rareness and prestige, something that allows millennials to show their support for their favorite brands while getting something to display in return.

    Consider the limited edition packaging trends of brands like MAC cosmetics, Coca Cola, and even Campbell’s soups. These brands are notorious for coming out with limited edition collectible boxes, tins, bottles, and more. Some brands do this to show support for certain social causes, which is bound to attract millennials.


    Many milliennials are living a “waste not, want not” lifestyle, and this has transitioned over to a preference in minimalism. Now, this doesn’t mean you can just package everything in white and black or reduce the visuals to nothing. Instead, you should pay attention to the amount of materials being used. Less is more!

    In terms of design, focus on appealing graphic designs, such as creative uses of symmetry, positive and negative space, contrasting colors, shadows, texture, and typography.

    Bright colors are being used a lot these days. One peek at websites and social media aimed at millennials and Gen Z reveals that glitchy graphics, minimalist design, and contrasting hues are extremely popular. So use these sites that millennials frequent to gain some inspiration for your next package design.

    Gift That Keeps On Giving

    Millennials are always on the look out for packaging that can either be recycled or upcycled. Packaging that can become something else is highly valued. Reputation Leaders, an independent research firm, found that 53-percent of millennials prefer packaging that can easily be stored. Another study from BillerudKorsnäs looked at consumers from metropolitan areas around the world and saw that 35-percent of consumers want a second use to packaging that benefits them.

    What does this mean for packaging design? Think in terms of durability and sustainability when it comes to boxes and containers. Use bright colors and minimalism for things that can be reused or refilled to complement millennial lifestyles. And if specific patterns or materials cannot be upcycled, at least focus on making your packing recyclable.

    Wrapping It Up

    Is your current packaging sending the right message to millennials? Furthermore, are you concerned how millennials are perceiving your packaging decisions? Think about leveraging functionality with sustainability, colors with minimal design, and layers of personality and authenticity. It might sound tricky, but as long as you remain honest, millennials are bound to give your brand attention.

    Want more information on packaging design that millennials will love? Learn more about packaging design and branding by filling out the contact form. We’ll send more tips and tricks right to your inbox.