
The Importance Of Packaging In Marketing Your Product

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

The Importance Of Packaging In Marketing Your Product

A business that considers packaging a necessity to protect its product from damage is losing an opportunity to market the merchandise. There are numerous ways to package. All of them need to meet a reason to draw attention to the product, and make the customer want more of the firm’s offerings.

There are many articles that discuss the importance of packaging. They all stress certain points that are key to a successful corporate image.

The following discussion will give you an idea of where packaging should be headed. This article refers to packaging in general, and a box that holds the merchandise. The same reasoning can be incorporated into any type of packaging. Whatever holds the product must be a way to sell future products.


The object of packaging should involve some device or design that attracts the attention of the customer. When that package or box arrives on the doorstep or is picked up, it should create immediate interest.

The buyer may well know what is inside. After all, they ordered the product. The contents are no surprise. The design and layout needs to immediately say to the buyer that something special is inside. It also needs to convey the essence of the seller’s business.

The point of the packaging is to create in the customer the desire to make additional purchases. This sale has already been made. Packaging is focused on the next sale.

The attention grabber may be so strong that the consumer might decide to keep the package or box. They may want to examine the design or logo. It just might be kept around to remind the person of the company and the need to buy more items so more packaging will show up.

Whatever the impact on the purchaser, it happens when they first see and examine the box. That is the only opportunity to sell your business. Do not let that one chance slip by. Spend the time to produce the attention grabber.

Make certain that this sale is the not the last. It is just the first of many. Packaging is the way to achieve that goal.


The words a company does not want to hear from its customer is “Another box to open and throw away or try to recycle.” A design that is unique will never evoke such a response. The purchaser will be so intrigued by this different design that they will spend time examining it before ever opening the box.

Picture the buyer turning the box around and looking at all angles. They are so enamored that they just cannot put the package down. The arrival of the package has become a separate event from the actual contents. The person might even just sit and look at the box.

The ultimate compliment would be the customer who keeps the packaging. They might use the box to hold certain items. They may just like it so much they do not want to discard your packaging.

The point of the packaging is to convey a message. We care so much about our products that we spend time coming up with a special and unique design. It reflects our corporate image. It demonstrates what we consider special.

The design sends a message to the world. This is our product, and you will recognize it whenever you see our design. As mentioned above, it not only grabs your attention, it holds it. You will remember the design, and know it when you see it again.

Creating that design is no easy feat. It involves determining the company’s message. The logo also can become one and the same for the firm. Every well known design started as a new feature. Make your design one that will last.


  • Calm Blue
  • Distinctive Yellow
  • Bright Red
  • Vibrant Green
  • Clear Purple

All of the above colors are candidates for the attention grabbing unique design. People respond in different ways to colors. Most of your customers will have a favorite color. It is hard to know what that color might be. However, a design that uses colors in the right way will be great packaging.

The colors need to be both subtle and strong. That seems like a contradiction in terms. Think about the statement for awhile, and you will realize that both can be achieved in the same package design. An individual can be turned off by colors that jump off the box. They need to blend in with the messaging of the packaging.

That message is that we spent time and effort to make our package distinctive. It is just not an accident that the colors go together in a way to promote our corporate message. If we take this much time and effort on packaging, think what we must do with our actual products.

Obviously not all of the above colors will be used. In fact, colors not listed may be just the vehicle to express the message. In any event, take the time and effort to present a color pattern that appeals to the ultimate consumer.

In the end, resist the temptation to send a box that is all black and white. It sends the wrong message that we do not care about the box. It is only a vehicle to protect the product.


The ultimate point of a package is the moment of opening. A great design and color scheme can be ruined by a customer becoming frustrated and angry when the package will not open. Do not let a great moment be destroyed by a package that is hard to open.

Take the time to design the box so it opens with ease. Have numerous people in your company try opening it. Ask for constructive criticism. Incorporate those comments into the final design.

Put instructions on the box. Use the opportunity to make the instructions clear and concise. Also, make the words part of the unique design. Maybe even write the advice in a manner that grabs attention.

The entire experience of opening the box should be part of the thrill of receiving the package. Consider the entire process as one long adventure for the customer. It all ends with the actual product being removed from the box,


This was touched on in the ease of handling. It incorporates more than just instructions on opening. This is the opportunity to convey a message to the customer. They will not be in the mood for lengthy and possibly confusing messaging.

The consumer who may be opening the packaging after a long day at work is not in the mood to have to concentrate more than necessary. They just need short and clear words that convey the essence of your business.

Many packages just contain words like “open this end.” Be more creative. Maybe even put some words that will evoke a laugh or smile. Sometimes the simple is better. Just help out the customer open the package so they do not remember any problem.

If you have designed a great package, the customer will want to open it without damage so the box can be preserved. Give them that opportunity. This is especially true if the packaging is a bag or some other item that can be displayed on a shelf.


  • Do Research On Your Potential Customers
  • Tailor Your Designs To Their Needs
  • Test Our Your Packaging
  • Look At It Closely
  • Imagine Receiving The Package

The research needs to identify the type of packaging that will be appealing. It will be the guide to the production of the design, logo, and entire structure of the box. Use some focus groups and employees to see how they react to the end product.

Look at it with an objective eye. Try to forget it is your design. Look at through the eyes of the ultimate recipient. That will lead to a special product. Always remember that there will be customers who receive your package for the first time. You want repeat consumers. Focus on them.

Packaging is the one chance to make an impression. It all begins with grabbing the attention of the buyer. That is done with a unique design and special colors. It continues with ease of opening and wording that is easy to understand. Endless advice pieces exist to assist an owner.

The owner needs to create their own special and unique packaging. Articles may be helpful but in the end, the box has to be the result of special concern for the customer.

The words every owner needs to hear are “I have never seen or received a package like that. I want to receive more from this company” They will tell their friends and co-workers. It will spread the message. Soon the packaging will become synonymous with the seller. That is the ultimate point of the entire process.

Here at Mid Atlantic Packaging, we have any type of box you need, from apparel boxes to jewelry boxes, for all your marketing needs.