
The Importance of Professionally Designed Logos

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

The Importance of Professionally Designed Logos

On the first day of August 2021, television news media outlets ran retrospective segments related to the 40th anniversary of MTV, a cable network that is perhaps more iconic than HBO. Whether you grew up with MTV when it still played music videos or when it switched to a slew of reality television programming, chances are that you are familiar with the channel’s unmistakable logo, which has always boiled down to three elements: A wide and block-styled “M” with a graffiti “TV” superimposed on the right.

For its 40th anniversary, MTV introduced an update to its logo, which now features a style reminiscent of Google Material Design. The “M” is still large, but it is no longer a 3D block. The “TV” still looks as if it was painted with a can of Krylon spray paint. There is now an astronaut holding a flag pole on the left, and the legend “Est. NYC 1981” can be found at the bottom, thus reminding us that this is the logo of a seasoned pop culture institution. It should be noted that the astronaut in the new version of the logo references the initial broadcast in 1981, when graphic artists edited video footage of a space mission countdown and a moon landing that featured the planting of the MTV flag on the lunar surface.

By not making drastic changes to the logo, MTV executives are staying true to the network’s roots. Over the last four decades, this logo has become as recognizable and iconic as the Nike swoosh. The importance of such logos cannot be understated; they immediately connect consumers to brands they are familiar with, and this is a connection that is bound to be etched on the minds of customers.

What Makes a Logo Highly Effective?

Let’s start with the basics of a logo, which needs at least of one the elements listed below:

  • Lettering
  • Graphics
  • Symbols
  • Slogans

Any combination of these elements will result in a logo. In the case of the new MTV logo, we can say that it combines all of the above because the initials of the network themselves have become symbolic. If for some reason you only want to work with letters for your logo, there are historic precedents that suggest it will stick. Take the IBM logo, for example, or even the NASA lettermark. On the other hand, major brands such as Apple choose to go with a single graphic minus any lettering. The Nike swoosh does pretty good in terms of standing on its own, but the “Just Do It” slogan is pretty effective as well.

Great logos are memorable; they set brands apart from competitors, and they elicit powerful reactions in customers. One such reaction is the feeling of familiarity an American traveler gets when seeing the golden arches of McDonald’s fast-food restaurants overseas. Granted, the logo alone will not prompt American travelers to flock to a McDonald’s restaurant in Tokyo; there needs to be a recollection of great impressions and experiences as well, but the logo helps to elicit them.

Why Do You Need Professional Logo Design?

We get to see many logos here at Mid-Atlantic Premier Packaging, and our staff members are quick to associate them with our custom print packaging clients. When a winery client calls in with an order for pop-up wine boxes, their distinctive logos or bottle labels pop into our minds even before we look up their previous orders and find their graphic assets. We can usually tell when logos have been professionally designed versus those that have been hastily put together; the latter are almost always used by small businesses that are just starting out, and there is always a strong chance that they will reconsider their initial choice later down the line.

With all the above in mind, professional designers pay attention to the following aspects of the logo creation process:

  • Strong first impressions
  • Attention-grabbing details
  • Brand identity factor
  • Unique looks
  • Audience expectations

Let’s discuss each of the above so that you get to know more about the logo design process and why you should go with a professional:

The Importance of First Impressions

If you are opening a new storefront in a shopping center where all the establishments look the same, you will need more than just novelty in order to attract customers. Not all prospects will react to first impressions in the same manner; this is a largely unconscious process, but it can be quite effective in terms of future customer loyalty. You want logos to communicate the idea of products and services being tied to your business and the brand you are trying to promote. A good way to think about this is by assuming that you only have one chance to convert a prospect into a customer.

Grabbing the Attention of Prospects

When logos have pizzazz and are visually engaging, they succeed in terms of being noticed and getting attention. One thing that professional logo designers have learned in recent decades is that the attention span of prospective customers has shortened. You can think of it this way: You only have a few seconds to get the attention of a prospect, and logos are among the best marketing elements you have to accomplish this. Jingles and slogans also help, but not as much as logos. As previously mentioned, first impressions can go a very long way, and this is why business owners should always be mindful about the image they project. Web designers can certainly tell you about the importance of placing a solid logo in the upper sections of a business website; this is for the benefit of first-time visitors as well as returning customers.

Brand Identity

All the elements of a business that consumers can perceive form part of brand identity, particularly visual elements. Brand identity is not exactly the same as brand image; it is more succinct than that, and it starts with a logo before setting up the stage for what is known as the customer journey. You always want to portray a positive brand identity; the way to tie it to your logo is by thinking about how you want to appear in the minds of consumers. The color scheme and design of your logo should be one of the parts of your brand identity. If you operate a store that sells party supplies, for example, your logo should include festive colors as well as fun designs.

Unique Looks to Set You Apart from Competitors

This factor is often ignored by business owners who do not operate on a retail basis. Law firms are notorious in this regard; many of them will stick to the name of their founders or partners without even paying attention to the font. If you look at the logo design of firms operating in the Big Law sector, it is clear to see that they work with design studios that pay close attention to typography. In some cases, law firms will even add a symbol or small graphic in order to differentiate their logos.

Matching the Expectations of Customers

This factor is a bit more intricate to work with. Logo designers will sit with you to learn more about your company and the brand you are trying to cultivate; through this learning process, the design studio will try to determine what your prospects expect from you, which could be based on predetermined knowledge within the industry you operate in. Clients of an architectural firm, for example, expect to see very stylish logos; they certainly will not expect to see graffiti-like lettering, which is geared more towards youth brands.

Customer expectations should not be limited to the initial logo design. Going back to our discussion of the MTV logo, you probably have noticed that it used to feature various themes. In early MTV broadcasts, whenever a block of videos by British musicians was programmed, a graphic bumper would change the “M” of the logo into a flashing version of the Union Jack. This playful display of the logo was something that MTV audiences would come to expect, and the network delivered every time. Many companies decorate their logos based on an editorial calendar; during the holiday season, for example, they may wear a red ribbon or a Santa Claus hat. Doing this will project a fresh brand image that your audience will notice and appreciate.