
Win The Unboxing Experience By Combating Wrap Rage

Posted by Julie Rotuno on 14th Jun 2022

Win The Unboxing Experience By Combating Wrap Rage

Is your company a victim of negative viral videos on social media? If you don’t know, simply search on the terms “unboxing” “video,” and “(your product’s or company’s name).” If the term “unboxing” is new to you, it refers to the simple act of filming and posting the act of opening a shipped product.

If you search for your own company’s products, there might be no returned results, or you could see multiple videos, each with varying numbers of views. Unfortunately, many top products in their fields receive viral attention, and it’s usually not good. For reasons related primarily to human nature and nothing else, negative unboxing experiences gin up more viewer interest than good ones.

If you’re lucky enough to not (yet) be a subject of critical unboxing videos, there’s good news: it’s possible to prevent them from ever appearing. Additionally, with effort and attention, your company can generate positive posts, ones in which customers speak glowingly of the product’s packaging, ease of opening, attractive label design, and more. It’s impossible to underestimate the crucial role played by packaging in a company’s overall image and brand identity.

Don’t Call It “Wrap Rage”

The popular term “wrap rage” is a misnomer and actually quite unfair to consumers who purchase goods that are delivered to their homes or offices. First, “rage” is a bit strong. The emotion is better described as justified frustration. If you order a set of small screwdrivers, for instance, receive them in a sturdy shipping box and attractive product package, you’re understandably happy that you a) got the right product, b) received it quickly, and c) weren’t over-charged.

But if it then takes you 10 or more minutes to open a small cardboard and plastic package that holds the tools, you would understandably be frustrated, but not enraged. Who’s to blame? Not you, customer, but the seller for ignoring the principles of good packaging. Maybe a more appropriate term than “wrap rage,” which blames the consumer, is “poor packaging,” which sets the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the merchant.

How to get started? Learn about the multiple types of packaging woes and how they related to unboxing. Realize that there are real solutions within your reach. Use common sense and know that some “viral video” factors are out of your control. Finally, figure out how to get positive attention from online videos by working with a team of packaging professionals from the very start.

The Many Kinds of Negative Unboxing Experiences

Note that very few unboxing experiences end up in viral videos, but there are plenty of ways that poor packaging decisions can come back to haunt you. Note that many customers never post social media reviews, they simply stop purchasing products that are packaged poorly. Here are are few examples of how consumers experience trouble during the unboxing phase and afterward.

  • Spills: Packages designed in such a way that once you do get them opened, the contents spills everywhere.
  • “Tools required”: These are situations in which you have to drag out tools just to open a simple package.
  • Injury risk: Have you ever cut yourself on thick, sharp plastic or paperboard packages? It happens all the time and is usually the result of poor planning on the manufacturer’s end.
  • Product damage: This occurs when the customer is forced to damage, bend, break, or otherwise harm the product during the unboxing. Soft consumable goods, like cookies, and fragile items, like Christmas tree ornaments, are common examples.
  • The “Mystery Package”: What is a mystery package? It’s a product whose packaging and labeling offer no clue whatsoever about how to open it. No “press here,” “tear along dotted line,” “pull flap to open,” or anything else. Buyers are not only mystified by packaging like this but also quite frustrated. They have no idea where or how to begin. Don’t make your packaging part of a mystery who-done-it game. Be clear and concise about how the buyer should gain access to the enclosed goods.
  • Misleading directions: This is a major point of frustration for consumers and shows up in many viral unboxing videos. It happens when merchants include incorrect or downright misleading instructions on packages, like “Tear here,” or “Press tab and pull flap to open.” In far too many cases, those directions are worthless and lead to lost future sales for the company.
  • How To Make Unboxing a Pleasure For Your Customers

    Don’t let your lack of planning and attention to the packaging process lead to viral videos and online reviews that could irreparably harm your brand, image, and reputation. Take action to stop harmful reviews before they appear by using the right kind of packaging materials and design.
    Here are a few of the things you can do to prevent negative online attention and make packaging work for you rather than against you:
    • Include clear directions in a prominent place on the package, like “Tear along dotted line to open,” or, “Lift this tab to remove plastic cover.”
    • Use inner pouches to prevent spillage upon opening. This is especially relevant if you sell small items like candies, buttons, beads, or powdered beauty products.
    • Do extensive consumer testing to make certain that buyers won’t need to use tools to open your packages.
    • Use packaging that’s sturdy enough to protect soft goods during unboxing. For example, place cookies, glass decorations, and other fragile items well away from the point of opening. Or, include a perforated, tear-off strip so goods don’t get damaged during opening.
    • Avoid using sub-standard, rigid plastics or metals in packaging. You run the risk of injuring the buyer. You want satisfied customers, not injured ones.

    What You Can’t Control About Unboxing Videos

    There’s wisdom in the old adage about knowing what you can’t change. That means there are some aspects of unboxing videos unrelated to packaging. They include how the reviewer describes the product itself, compares it to competing items, or goes off on a tangent about the company and its reputation. Good packaging can do a lot, but it can’t solve the world’s problems. Nor can it magically turn every online video into a glowing rant about your business and all its products.
    Learn to accept the fact that no matter what you do, there will always be a certain number of social media mavens who do nothing by criticize all companies and products. Fortunately, these pessimists usually don’t produce viral videos.

    How To Get Good Online Attention For Your Packaging

    Want to gain traction via social media, particularly the video kind? It’s possible to get “in front” of the situation and maximize the possibility of getting positive reviews and minimize the chance of receiving negative ones. Consider doing the following:
    • Include wording on the outside of your packaging like, “Was this easy to open? If not, contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX.”
    • Consider contacting some of your loyal, satisfied customers and requesting that they create an unboxing video. You’ll be surprised that many will agree to do so and their posts will generate positive word-of-mouth for your company and all its products.
    • Send several dozen “review products” to social media influencers and popular bloggers and ask for their opinion of your packaging. This is an effective technique used by book authors to generate reviews.
    • View some of the top, viral unboxing videos and comment on them. Try to keep your opinions positive and constructive. Mention that you are a merchant who works hard to master all the elements of excellent packaging. Don’t forget to put your company’s name in the signature line of the comment.

    Get Professional Advice and Win the Unboxing Battle

    If there’s an upside to the entire unboxing situation on social media, it’s that being pro-active can not only prevent negative attention but generate positive reviews. The essential ingredient is professional advice. At Mid-Atlantic Packaging, our team of experts can guide you from day one, helping you explore packaging options that suit your products, fit your budget, and can lead to glowing online reviews.
    Whether you’re a current customer or just now thinking about getting help with the crucial process of product packaging, feel free to ask our professionals about any of your concerns. Simply phone our toll-free number, 800-284-1332 and we’ll be glad to speak with you.
    Of course, there’s never a charge for over-the-phone consultation, and if you want more information about how Mid-Atlantic can assist with every step of the packaging process, visit our website. Don’t leave your social media reputation to chance. Take control and win the unboxing battle.